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Amy does call, and doesn't clear it with her remaining guardian first. It's not that Carol wouldn't believe a rumor about Amy being evil, it's just easier if she doesn't have to admit it.


"Hi. I've got something written up, but you should hear it and think about the phrasing first to make sure there aren't constraints or loopholes you don't want. It goes like so: When treating patients, do not harm them, and avoid performing any alterations they don't either consent to or that you can confidently and sincerely expect them to accept of their own uncommanded will; do not create organisms whose existence will plausibly have effects harmful to innocent persons; do not create sapient organisms; do not generate untargeted pathogens."


"Can you add something about brains? Bonesaw made me fix Assault's brain. I promised myself I'd never do brains, then that I'd never do brains again, and if I see her again I'd like to be able to say I can't."


"...I could, but you realize it is quite open to her to then come after me and try to make me undo the order, or to try to get you to ask for it to be revised, and I doubt she cares very much if it costs her a lot of brain-damaged bystanders to narrow down the source of the problem that finely."


"If she's in a position to make you give me orders, it doesn't really matter what they started out as."


"...If she's in a position to succeed, yes, but I don't want to assume she couldn't be very inconvenient in the process of failing."


"I guess, it's just...at least this way she'd hurt a lot of people and then stop, she wouldn't keep going after me to make me keep doing it... and maybe that isn't better. Maybe I'm just trying to make things easier for me. But she wouldn't want me to, and that has to count for something."


"There are all kinds of things Bonesaw wouldn't want me to order you to do. As the simplest possible example, I think she wants you alive. Would it simplify matters if you went back into my tree?"


"Yes. But I shouldn't, between Shatterbird and Leviathan there are a lot of people who need me here."


"Okay, would it simplify matters if you traveled to India and emptied a few clinics there?"




"One of the gatepairs goes there. Are there any non-Bonesaw related complications with the order set?"


"I don't think so. I haven't had any, um, problems about the brains one so far. Aside from her."


"...Unless you can make completely accidental mistakes on brains, that would be safe to relax under the orders. Just saying."


"Oh, the rule about brains isn't about that. Not just about that, anyway. I could change who a person is, and I really don't want to start that. Even in a way they'd thank me for afterward. Safer if everyone thinks I can't."


"...I'll snug up the order about alterations. Throw in a 'given their current disposition' and a 'conservative estimate'. Though I take your point about not making it generally known."


"That works. I'm not going to start doing brains, though, even with the order."


"That's your prerogative, but I don't want to be responsible if you change your mind and someone needs help and I'm not around to special case it. Any other modifications?"


"I think not. Thanks Promise, this means probably more than I could explain."


"Just don't go around advertising that I did this without your parents' permission until I start flagrantly breaking laws, 'kay?" And then she recites the order set with the revisions.


Amy thanks Promise again, breathes out a sigh of relief, and heads off to inform her sister that they're going to India.




"Or somewhere else where there's a pair of gates and no Slaughterhouse Nine. Hopefully they won't even know we've gone, now that Cherish is dead."


"...Okay. Sounds good to me."

While the Dallons leave for probably-India, Promise receives another message.

"Tomorrow. Same place as last time, same time, same kid even. Feel free to bring the heroes, of course, if you want them to have to watch. I hope you're ready to be more interesting than last time around."
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