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Andrea gets isekaid to pleatplus

Andrea hates life right now. They barely even talk to their online friends and the only other human being she’s seen in the last 3 weeks was the grocery delivery guy. 

She can’t even be herself, if her family knew she was a girl then they’d cut her off, disown her too probably. And as badly as she is doing right now she needs the support. So she is stuck in this tiny apartment in BOY clothes with no friends to talk to about it except online, and they barely count as friends because she is too depressed to maintain even online relationships.

Andrea turned 24 a month ago and she hasn’t left the apartment since. She feels like her life is just stagnating and ending rather than just getting going. She has nowhere to belong. She just sits in bed, unshowered, reading Isekai stories on royalroad because she would rather be ANYWHERE else.

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And suddenly she has the sensation of a hand reaching out to her. An invitation to another world, better than her own —


Well… if she’s lost her mind… at least it’s nice delusion. That somewhere better exists. She reaches out mentally.


And something catches — 

She awakens lying in a pink-sheeted bed-couch that, for some reason, is covered in peach petals. There is a woman kneeling on the floor to her right, with dark red hair, wearing a garland of peach blossoms and a long, flowing robe of pink hemp that's fastened at the shoulder with a small pin.

She's in a garden of peach trees, under the open sky. It seems to be summer. Buildings enclose the courtyard on two sides of the triangular courtyard, forming a V; behind them she can see skyscrapers. On the open side of the V is a lush peach orchard, and a valley going down to a river.


“What?” This was very detailed if it was a hallucination. She had never hallucinated before unless she had been awake WAY too long, and even then only it was only auditory. So maybe they were supposed to be this detailed? She tries biting her arm, she can never feels things in dreams. Nope, that still hurts.

This is…. tentatively… real?

”What?” She repeats again, dumbly.


The woman in the garland of peach flowers rises ro her feet. 

"Honored guest," she says, her eyes downcast. "I am Subjecta Amaranthine, temple maiden of the goddess Summer Pearl, who has by her command summoned you to the world of plentiful peaches known as Forest. This world is much more open to sexuality than your native world, and as a result we are slowly evacuating those citizens of Earth who would better fit in our world." 

She smiles beatifically and offers her hand. "If the Ambulan wishes, I will give them a tour of the temple."


Eep, pretty girl.

Wait what? Sexuality isekai? What? “Summoned? Like… magic?”

What is she even supposed to do in this situation? Theres no social script for being magically summoned by a priestess. Does that mean her god is real? Thats a terrifying thought. Every god she’s ever heard of has been pretty awful.

Andrea just falls back on… going with the flow. She stands up, and if social cues are like earth ones, the priestess wants to take her hand. Which… seems a little intimate to do with a stranger. But if thats what she wants… Andrea takes her hand. “Uhmm… sure.”


The priestess helps her to her feet, and leads her into one of the temple buildings. It's a dormitory of double beds, with various men and women sitting around in worn and pink-dyed clothing. One pair of women are feeling each other up on a mattress, entirely nude; Amaranthine passes them by as if she doesn't see them. 

"We're not a wealthy temple," she says, "but we minister as best we can to all the people we can. There is an on-call doctor, an ID clinic down the street about a block to the east, and you are welcome to stay in our dormitory and eat communal meals with us all until such time as you have independent housing and so on. I am a shrine keeper and do not leave the temple grounds, but if you have anything you wish to share with me or ask in confidence, I have taken sacred oaths of confidentiality and will be happy to guide you."

She seems quite serious, her face severe and almost disapproving.


Then her face breaks into a warm, genuine smile. "I understand the transition must be hard for you," she says, "Coming from a world with no magic. But I really am here to serve and aid you in any way you wish. Yes, that includes sexually; some of the previous refugees were a little confused about this point." 


Andrea is very distracted by the naked women they saw until her brain catches up to what the priestess has been saying.

“Uhmm uhmm uhmmm” Well… being offered that. Especially by someone so pretty. Andrea’s brain basically shuts down. Why couldn’t she still be 19 and a boy and confident and not feel gross about her own body. So she could take her up on the offer. Because right now the way she is, that was way too scary to say yes to. “Y-you’re uhmm… v-very pretty but… I don’t think I can say yes to that?” She squeaks out.


Amaranthine runs her hands through her hair. "A common problem with people from your world. It's not an issue. If you need spiritual counseling I'll be happy to help, or even if you want something more secular. The law provides for healthcare to all new immigrants from Earth, so there is also the option of seeing someone from in town."


She smiles softly. "If need be, there's a government relocation program you can speak to. It's on the other side of the city, but buses are free between here and there. We're summoning in part because they're full to capacity, but nonetheless they might be able to provide you some resources." 


Does she dare to hope… maybe, if those women could just be so VERY gay in public… maybe this place would be better about transition? 
“All kinds of healthcare?… Like if I uhhh…” She did say she would keep things confidential, so even if she reacts badly it should be fine? “Like if I… wanted to… uhh… replace my hormones?” Even now, she has to talk around it.


"Become a woman, you mean?" Amaranthine smiles. "Of course. You can talk to the temple doctor about it: I'm sure they'll have something to offer." 


Andrea almost slumps in relief, maybe this was a better place for her. The relief is so strong she starts to tear up. “S-sorry… It’s just back home…” It’s so fucking embarrassing to be crying in front of this stranger.


Amaranthine very gently rests a hand on Andrea's shoulder, as if to steady her. 

"Would you like a hug?" she asks. 


She nods wordlessly. Unable to trust her voice right now.


Amaranthing gathers her into a close hug. 

She's very warm. And not wearing much beneath that thin hemp robe.


Don’t be weird and ruin the moment Andrea, don’t notice this priestess’s body like a weirdo. Just enjoy the hug like a normal person.

Warm is nice… it might be literal years since she had a hug. Not since she last saw her sister. This fact does not at all help her stop crying.


Amaranthing just holds her close, and gently strokes her hair. She seems to be okay with being cried on.


Hair stroking also does NOT help her stop crying. Something inside shes been keeping tight most of her life just unravels. She clings to the priestess like a lifeline.


And she keeps her, safe and guarded, close in her arms. 

"Shhh," she says softly. "You've been strong for far too long. It's okay to put your burdens down now. It's okay. We'll solve it all together."


Andrea nods against the priestess’s shoulder. Reaching up to wipe her eyes. “Sorry… that was so embarrassing...”


"It's alright. You're not the first woman to have cried on me, and you won't be the last."


Fuck, fuck that hit her right in the heart. It”s like being seen for the first time. “I uhmm… thanks… I know you just work here, but… thanks.”


"Hey. I 'work here'" — she makes air quotes with her fingers — "because I care, you know? Summer's teachings lay it all down quite explicitly: Love is the greatest gift that can be given to anyone. I know we're still strangers, but you're still a fellow child of the Goddess." 

She squeezes Andrea lightly.

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