An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"That is reasonable but it'll have to wait until after the war if you're not able to commit that troops will be where they're needed when we're ready to attack Morgoth."


"I'm sure it's possible to work something out that has any troops in the right places without swearing fealty, if it comes down to that."


"Excellent. Then when you're ready we will look at a map and start planning."


"Ready in what way? If it's just not having other demands on my time, I continue to not be about to go kill orcs for the too-many'th day in a row. Should I be doing research?"


"Sure. Let's head to the library, look at maps, and talk about how to run a country."


"Sounds like a plan."


So they sit down, and he puts on gloves and unrolls maps. "The whole coast is unoccupied. Nevrast is where my brother lived before Ulmo offered to build him a hidden city, and there's still a palace there. It had a population around 60,000, at the time, but could probably feed ten times that. You've got three ranges of mountains between you and the Enemy. If we lose the war it won't be safe, but until then I expect it will be."


"I think you mentioned that place before," she nods.


"It's the obvious option. This whole area's uninhabited too -" he gestures - "but less fertile. When I say 'uninhabited' I mean the native Elven population has been decimated by the war, is nomadic, and doesn't mind if we build cities, they are present and you'll need to be in touch with them to negotiate neighborly relations."


"I'd rather evaluate all possible options before deciding for certain, even if one of them looks obviously better. Is Nevrast the name of the geographical area of the kingdom your brother held before he fled, or is there a difference?"


"The area; it had that name before they settled it. All of these are names the locals had for things; easy enough, since we can't even use our language."


"Right. Is it going to cause any problems if I name things in my languages?"


"I'm not sure how people would feel about learning a third language to be able to keep up politically. Names should be fine."


"Trying to force people to speak any of my languages would be a terrible idea on many levels," she agrees.


"It's not a matter of force; if they're spoken in your court people will feel like they need to know them to have influence, and they'll learn them if they can. We don't have a policy about Sindarin but it ends up nearly crowding out Mannish tongues anyway."


"Ah. That makes sense. I don't want to go out of my way to avoid teaching people my languages, but...honestly, here, there's not much use for them outside talking to me and my sister."


"Perhaps someday we'll have regular contact with your home world and there'll be more cause."


"I hope I don't forget. You hear sometimes about people moving to somewhere they speak another language and not using their own for a long time and just forgetting how to speak it. And that scares me."


"I'd be happy to learn it and speak it with you, if that's important to you. We tend to pick up languages pretty quickly. Osanwë helps and the Noldor love language."


"I'd appreciate that."


"Want to teach me a few phrases while I walk you through the regions more carefully? This part of Hithlum is north of us, colder winters, though Men might not mind that the way we do."


"Colder winters are, enh, people will live in some really cold places but they're not most peoples' first choice to immigrate to. Hello, my name is Illia. Your name is Fingon," she adds, in Genoshan.


"My name is Fingon. Your name is Illia. You could also ask Finrod for some of his territory but he definitely won't want an independent kingdom of Men."


"Finrod was the, what was it, adoring but condescending one, right? I am twenty-one years old. You are centuries old. You are older than I am. I am younger than you are."


"Yes. He'd like you, he'd teach you a lot, he'd be very supportive, but - I am centuries old. You are younger than I am."

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