An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"...You sort of sound like Odette. Talking about our mother and dead grandmother."


"I bear no one in this tragedy any ill will. If Odette understands where my brother is coming from, our talk will go better."


"Here's hoping. D'you think it'll help at all if she frames bringing Feanor back in terms of regrettable necessity? We really need this guy's brain and have a patch for his most likely failure mode, kind of thing?"


"Is she still implacably opposed to the 'bring him back, try him for war crimes' approach? That'd appease Turgon."


"I think she's hoping that Finwe will be implacably opposed to trying him for war crimes and then it won't be her fault if he isn't. I think she's, hmm, not so implacably opposed that she would have to outright lie to bring it up as a possibility."


"Finwë will be implacably opposed to trying him for war crimes." He sighs. "Why is your sister hoping that?" Because Celegorm is very pretty and probably being very solicitous? 


"Because Celegorm's being very sad about his dad being dead, probably, and Odette has a complex about that because of the aforementioned grandmother thing."


"Leaving him dead isn't on the table. The question is what happens after that."


"I mean, I think Odette's plan is to resurrect everyone in a safe--ish--location, sort everyone with appropriate loved ones, and then--not interfere. Unless there's something that looks like it really needs interfering with, like someone who lost someone on the ice trying to stab Feanor or something."


"I think that's wise and good of her."


"One of your cousins compared her to Feanor. In terms of seeing a problem and then deciding to batter it down by sheer force of will. He phrased it in such a way that it certainly seemed an apt comparison. I definitely think she's much better at knowing her limits than he ever was."


"If she had that particular blindspot of his she'd have flown straight at Angband on the first day."


"And we would all be dead."


"She would be. The rest of us were holding on even before you two arrived."


"Morgoth can fuck with peoples' heads. I'm not comparing 'you with and without Odette' I'm comparing 'you with Odette' with 'Morgoth has Odette.' We might not all be dead now, but if he got his hands on magic..."


"It takes him a long time to fuck with peoples' heads. You and your sister could both kill yourselves, or we wouldn't have you riding around killing orcs."


"She wouldn't know to kill herself right away, and osanwe can do mind-reading. All it would take would be one glimpse of what we can do, and then setting his absurd number of orcs to the task of figuring out how to kill people with it, which as I have demonstrated is not that hard."


"We are very lucky."




"You doing okay? I would not normally abandon someone this new to the planet to ride around playing crown prince for that long."


"I need to figure out something useful and less redundant with my sister than killing orcs and healing people to do."


"Offer of a kingdom is still open. Or you can start teaching us your world's technologies."


"...Is now really a good time to be installing a new ruler in a kingdom, what with the fighting going on? And yes, I really should do that, I keep meaning to get around to it but I don't really know who to talk to and it keeps slipping my mind to ask."


"No, but now's a good time to look at a map, figure out where, figure out how you want to persuade people to come live under you, figure out what relationship your kingdom is going to have to the other ones - Dor Lómin is under me personally, for example, in my capacity as the lord of Mithrim and surrounding areas, but you could be sworn directly to my father if that makes more sense, or give me a headache and declare yourself a Feanorian - please don't do that - or the Men in Doriath and Estolad are just there by indulgence of the crown, they don't have any sort of formalized mutual obligations. It's a serious endeavor and I would not be installing you on a throne but teaching you how to build one.

I will have some people bother you about weapon design."


"If I do this, I'm not swearing fealty to anyone. I will happily swear alliance, but--if it's to mean anything, to have a human ruler instead of an Elven one, I can't be directly answerable to an Elven King."

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