An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"There are independent kingdoms of Men, but their kings die and then there's inevitably a war - I don't think any of them have gone more than a century without one - and then the populace ends up asking "can we just be Elven vassals" and this is clearly not ideal but we're not going to refuse them."


"Yes, I think the major problem here is that everyone is not immortal. I'm so glad I showed up."


"We are likewise grateful to have you. Are there intermediate exercises I should be attempting, now that the basic ons are straightforward?"


"A decent thing to do is just to scale up existing ones, but I should teach you healing, too, that's important separate from getting stronger and it will help you get stronger."


"It sounds useful, yes."


"Do you have any people who are currently injured to act as practice models or should I inflict various damage on my arm to practice with?"


"We heal ourselves very effectively, in general. You needn't damage your arm, though, I'm quite happy to do mine."


"I have the pain tolerance," she says, shrugging. "If you'd rather do yours that's fine too."


He pulls out a knife and lightly slices open his finger. "You're our guest, and most of us don't have feeling in our extremities anyway."


"...What, really? That must make fine detail work more difficult. Okay, so you heal a cut like this..."


"Yes, it's very inconvenient." He concentrates. "Send it again?"


She sends it again. "Want to see if I can magic your extremities like I did my eyes?"




She's more careful this time to only transmit the relevant properties and not any others--it's fine if she has pretty glowing cat-eyes, less so if someone's fingertips take on a completely different shape.

It takes her a while to get all the nerves right, but she manages something that ought to work right. "How's that?"


He flexes them. "...very impressive. Thank you. Almost everyone in this city would benefit from that, except the very young ones and the Men, but we're very used to it and I don't know that it's a wise use of your time."


"I think it was worth finding out that I could. It's not like I can't do it for anyone who wants it in a few centuries or a thousand years when everything higher on my to-do list is taken care of."


"Indeed. And they'll be very grateful then. You know, I didn't have a thousand years' of items on my to-do list when I was twenty-one and am not sure I'd have borne it up well. You're a very flexibly-minded person, Illia."


"Thank you. Honestly, I much prefer having things to do; it means Odette isn't rendering me redundant."


"I can imagine how that'd get dispiriting."


"It's why I took up magic-related engineering as my primary field of study; you can't just cheat at inventing things with enough magic, and Odette was much better served learning things that do, so I was always going to be better than her at it."


He snorts. "The power of sibling rivalry. Worsened, I imagine, by being twins. Those are very rare among the Eldar."


"Oh, I never resented her for it. She never saw me as anything less than an equal."


He nods. 




Asking her to stop everything and devote all her energy to bringing Irissë back would be deeply irresponsible, but wishing for it for a few seconds is not.

"Should you rest?"


"Yes. Yes I should. Good night, Fingon."


He stands. "Good night."

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