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Misc - Hayden Christensen - Canakin
08.03 - comm focus
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08.03 - comm focus
Misc - Hayden Christensen - Canakin
minor characters
Hayden Christensen
anakin skywalker
has facedouble
canon face
01.01 - smirk
01.02 - smile
01.03 - smile
01.04 - tease
01.05 - bright smile
01.06 - fond smile
01.07 - laugh
01.08 - tease
01.09 - laugh
01.10 - laugh
01.11 - tease
01.12 - try not to laugh
01.13 - laugh
01.14 - small smile
01.15 - small laugh
02.01 - curious
02.02 - consider
02.03 - focus
02.04 - consider
02.05 - consider
02.06 - questioning
02.07 - consider
02.08 - consider
02.09 - focus
02.10 - curious
02.11 - focus
02.12 - questioning
02.13 - sincere
02.14 - explain
02.15 - consider
02.16 - welp
02.17 - consider
02.18 - sincere
02.19 - consider
02.20 - sincere
02.21 - focus
02.22 - focus
02.23 - consider
02.24 - sincere
02.25 - explain
02.26 - consider
02.27 - consider
02.28 - serious
02.29 - welp
02.30 - focus
02.31 - explain serious
02.32 - consider
02.33 - focus
03.01 - intense
03.02 - intense
03.03 - intense
03.04 - angry
03.05 - annoyed
03.06 - angry tears
03.07 - annoyed
03.08 - angry
03.09 - annoyed
03.10 - intense
03.11 - angry
03.12 - angry
03.13 - glower
03.14 - intense
03.15 - intense
03.16 - annoyed
03.17 - annoyed
04.01 - unsure
04.02 - scared
04.03 - surprise
04.04 - nervous
04.05 - shock
04.06 - concern
04.07 - unhappy surprise
04.08 - surprise worry
04.09 - nervous
05.01 - unhappy
05.02 - sad
05.03 - sad
05.04 - unhappy
05.05 - cry
05.06 - unhappy
05.07 - melancholy
05.08 - sad
05.09 - unhappy
05.10 - unhappy
05.11 - unhappy
05.12 - small sad
06.01 - distant
06.02 - dangerous
06.03 - searching
06.04 - intense focus
06.05 - searching
06.06 - distant
06.07 - quiet
06.08 - unimpressed
06.09 - sass
06.10 - dangerous question
06.11 - unimpressed
06.12 - distant
06.13 - unimpressed
07.01 - lounge consider
07.02 - overwhelm
07.03 - lay down
08.01 - fly consider
08.02 - comm smile
08.03 - comm focus
08.04 - comm serious
09.01 - pain
09.02 - lightsaber cut
09.03 - lightsaber intense
09.04 - lightsaber angry
09.05 - gun intense
09.06 - lightsaber distant
10.01 - consider glow