apprenticebard's Characters | ||||||
Template: Anemone | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Anemone | Aiyana A Lewis | |||||
Mary Anemone Silverstring | if-you-believe | Scholomance | ||||
Mary Anemone Silverstring | perchance-to-dream | Aiyana A Lewis | ||||
Mary Anemone Silverstring | Aiyana A Lewis | Moonlight Falls | ||||
Mary Anemone Silverstring | Call of Cthulhu | |||||
Template: Angel | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Angel | on-such-a-path | David Boreanaz | ||||
Angel | what-it-can-be | David Boreanaz | Sunnyverse | |||
Template: Azhe | ||||||
Imrainai's older sister. Known for poor impulse control, baby-stealing tendencies, and a habit of getting herself killed. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Anita Teller | Claire Foy | Cthulhu Mythos | ||||
Anne | liberty-or-death | Claire Foy | Crusader Kings | |||
Asmodia Tallandria | Claire Foy | Golarion | ||||
Ayako Higurashi | Inuyasha | |||||
Azalea Teller | cool-cool-cool | Sunnyverse | ||||
Azalea Teller | for-the-moon | Revelation | ||||
Azalea Teller | marionette | Animorphs | ||||
Azalea Teller | ghost azalea | party-now-sleep-never | ||||
Azalea Teller | perhaps-she'll-die | DC comics | ||||
Azalea Teller | Nicole Beharie | Marvel | ||||
Template: Constitutional Convention | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Dahab Dhatri | ||||||
Eumenes Davian | lantern archon noble | Golarion | ||||
Frederick | Golarion | |||||
Hamideh | ||||||
Heloisa Gaudi-Bittner, Duchess of Anferita | ||||||
Ignasi Alfonso Avernus Narikopolus de Kantaria, Archduke of Menador | your-keeping-alone | Golarion | ||||
Imperia Caballé | Golarion | |||||
Ishani Dhatri | ||||||
Juan Ventura, Duke of Gandia | ||||||
Karrag | Golarion | |||||
Lídia Curto | ||||||
Llei Napaciza | Golarion | |||||
Lucretia Ventura | ||||||
Marta Llovera | Glenn Close | |||||
Novella Marino | ||||||
Purificació | Golarion | |||||
Rasima | ||||||
Salut Gaudi-Bittner | ||||||
Salvador Jose Gaudi i Rossell, Count of Corçà | ||||||
Scholastica Gaudi-Bittner | ||||||
Song Zhi | ||||||
Tània Arceneaux | ||||||
Valentia Genoveva Napaciza | Golarion | |||||
Valentí Amengual | Golarion | |||||
Xènia Solé | Golarion | |||||
Template: Draconis | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Dennis Ambers | seeing-is-suspecting | Aubrey Joseph | Sunnyverse | |||
Dennis Ambers | Aubrey Joseph | Animorphs | ||||
Dennis Awolowo | Scholomance | |||||
Didac Alarcon | Golarion | |||||
Draconis Amell | outrun-death | Aubrey Joseph | Brown Chantry Thedas | |||
Template: Imrainai | ||||||
Amateur storyteller and professional member of the unwashed masses. Traded her self-esteem for determination. Entirely too enthusiastic about setting herself on fire. People are full of beautiful things, and she's a person, so probably this includes her? |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Carrie | like-always | Naomi Scott | Descendants | |||
Catherine | the-race-marked-out | Holliday Grainger | Crusader Kings | |||
Catherine Tarlow | what-we-know-of-it | Holliday Grainger | Cthulhu Mythos | |||
Chola | common-humanity | Holliday Grainger | Buffyverse 1492 | |||
Imrainai | bleeding-heart | Lupita Nyong'o | Sperai | |||
Imrainai | Vamprainai | girl-who-died | Kim Jisoo | Sunnyverse | ||
Imrainai Tellari | homewardbound | Naomi Scott | Alteriverse | |||
Kagome Higurashi | more-in-you | |||||
Kairda be-Ama de-Kator | Imrainai | Imrainai | Kim Jisoo | Amenta | ||
Kalia Teller | among-the-stars | Kim Jisoo | Revelation | |||
Karakul | inherit-the-earth | Kim Jisoo | Caravaneer | |||
Karen Imrainai Teller | like-scarlet | Kim Jisoo | Sunnyverse | |||
Karen Teller | Green Lantern 2814 | 2814 | Kim Jisoo | DC comics | ||
Karen Teller | Moonlight Falls Karen, Witch Karen, Diamond Queen Elizabeth X | books-and-bodies | Kim Jisoo | Moonlight Falls | ||
Karen Teller | Slayer Karen | known-the-dragon | Kim Jisoo | Sunnyverse | ||
Karen Teller | miserere-nobis | Naomi Scott | The Good Place | |||
Karen Teller | these-three-remain | Kim Jisoo | Bliss Stage | |||
Karen Teller | toy-soldier | Kim Jisoo | Animorphs | |||
Karen Teller | with-love-only | Naomi Scott | ||||
Karen Teller | santa claus imrainai | yourselves-find-blessing | Naomi Scott | |||
Karen Tiu | but-few-thy-voice | Kim Jisoo | Scholomance | |||
Karen Tiu | huddled-masses | Kim Jisoo | ||||
Kate Tellar | and-make-others-so | Holliday Grainger | ||||
Keturah Teller | whosoever-believeth | Naomi Scott | Gilead | |||
Kiara Teller | Spidrainai, Spidergirl | great-responsibility | Kyemah McEntyre | |||
Korva Tallandria | Chelish Imrainai | ruin-of-souls | Holliday Grainger | Golarion | ||
Miriam | may-it-be | Naomi Scott | ||||
Template: Imrainai-like | ||||||
Imrainais who lack their usual surrounding family members and who are therefore a lil bit different than the standard template instances. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Aria Tabris | tolls-for-thee | Holliday Grainger | Brown Chantry Thedas | |||
Duck | Princess Tutu | dance-with-me | Princess Tutu | |||
Immanuelle | eru!jesus!imrainai | father-forgive-them | Naomi Scott | |||
Kairiel | angel imrainai | side-of-mercy | Holliday Grainger | Good Omens | ||
Template: Jowan | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Owoye Shagari | J August Richards | Scholomance | ||||
Template: Kantaria | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Carles | except ye repent | |||||
Guim | except ye repent | |||||
Template: Naima | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Naima | be-granted-glory | Golshifteh Farahani | Golarion | |||
Naima | those-who-defy | Golarion | ||||
Naima Saadawi | live-on-your-feet | Scholomance | ||||
Nama | life, liberty, property | Star Trek | ||||
Unna Bjornsdottir | Segovia Amell | Sagas of Icelanders | ||||
Template: Settings and Powers | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Alteri Confederacy | wouldbetyrants | Alteriverse | ||||
Bardliars | ||||||
Carthon Empire | speaknoevil | Alteriverse | ||||
Co-Monarchy of Rainfold | city-of-equals | Sperai | ||||
Imperial Voa | Amenta | |||||
Modern Japan | ||||||
Occupied Earth | doesnotbow | Alteriverse | ||||
Olympus | oldsouls | Alteriverse | ||||
The Boneyard | ||||||
Thedas | Brown Chantry Thedas | |||||
The Lakehouse | Lakehouse | |||||
The Upper Planes | ||||||
Template: Taz | ||||||
Imrainai's nephew and Ves's (usually half-)brother. Serious, responsible, fiercely loyal, trying not to make his family any more absurd than it already is. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Connor Teller | Revelation | |||||
Connor Teller | ||||||
Connor Teller | Sunnyverse | |||||
Connor Teller | Bliss Stage | |||||
Connor Teller | Moonlight Falls | |||||
Connor Tiu | Li Linma | |||||
Kandor be-Azhe de-Fe | Taz | Amenta | ||||
Sota Higurashi | Inuyasha | |||||
Template: Tyris | ||||||
Sees herself as the only thing standing between the forces of evil and an unsuspecting world. Willing to protect the world at any cost. Not very good at recognizing evil. Known for her weirdly flowery speech patterns; may or may not realize that she isn't in an epic poem. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Agnes Caldwell | libera-nos-a-malo | The Good Place | ||||
Daya Chaturvedi | make-no-covenants-with-maleficaria | Scholomance | ||||
Mercy Caldwell | wheat-from-chaff | Sunnyverse | ||||
Mercy Cousland | make no covenants with demons | Logan Browning | ||||
Template: Ves | ||||||
Imrainai's niece. Ambitious, angry, and sharp as a tack. Usually something very inconvenient. Aims to surpass her birthright and outshine everyone else in whatever world she's in. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Marie Angel | antichrist ves | the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Princess of This World, Mother of Lies, Spawn of Satan and Lady of Darkness | Maisie Williams | Good Omens | ||
Peth | kidney-thief | Skai Jackson | Sperai | |||
Raven Tiu | apocalypse maiden | Chou Tzuyu | DC comics, Young Justice | |||
Suzanna Teller | anime-protagonist | Chou Tzuyu | Bliss Stage | |||
Suzanna Teller | blaze-like-meteors | |||||
Suzanna Teller | if-you-miss | Revelation | ||||
Suzanna Teller | not-go-gentle | Chao Tzuyu | Sunnyverse | |||
Suzanna Teller | ||||||
Suzanna Teller | Moonlight Falls | |||||
Suzanna Tiu | Ha Lin | |||||
Ves Tellari | kickflipping-astronaut | Breanna Yde | Alteriverse | |||
Vigdis Yngling | and-the-beast | Maisie Williams | Crusader Kings | |||
Zada be-Azhe de-Fe | Ves | Chou Tzu-yu | Amenta | |||
Zaida | she-is-fierce | Gilead | ||||
Zara Verita Tallandria | heaven-blooded | Maisie Williams | Golarion | |||
Template: Wishbone | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Wishbone | wag-another-tale | Soccer | ||||
Wishbone | Golarion | |||||
No Template | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Adolf Hitler | Princess Tutu | |||||
Aivu | Golarion | |||||
Alistair Theirin | Brown Chantry Thedas | |||||
Amaranth | shall-we-not-revenge | Aldis Hodge | Alteriverse | |||
Amari Nobunaga | Inuyasha | |||||
Anselm | Marton Csokas | 1492 | ||||
Arueshalae | Golarion | |||||
Asura | the kishin | Tony Thornburg | ||||
Autor | Princess Tutu | |||||
Daeran Arendae | Golarion | |||||
Darla | Julie Benz | Sunnyverse | ||||
Drosselmeyer | tell-me-a-story | Princess Tutu | ||||
Drusilla | be-in-me | Juliet Landau | Sunnyverse | |||
Dyre Halfdansson Yngling | didnotsignupforthis | sean bean | Crusader Kings | |||
Dyre Halfdansson Yngling | the emperor | sean bean | ||||
Edel | other-than-strings | Princess Tutu | ||||
Ember | Golarion | |||||
Faith Lehane | want-take-have | Eliza Dushku | Sunnyverse | |||
Fakir | without-trembling | Princess Tutu | ||||
Finnean | ||||||
Grandpa | Inuyasha | |||||
Iroh | Avatar: The Last Airbender | |||||
Karaka Festri | Alteriverse | |||||
Lann | Golarion | |||||
L'Arachel | righteousness-and-order | Imada Mio | ||||
Leliana | Amanda Seyfried | Brown Chantry Thedas | ||||
Lilie | Princess Tutu | |||||
Master Shun | ||||||
Mathrael Atekri | Simone Missick | Alteriverse | ||||
Morrigan | Katie McGrath | Brown Chantry Thedas | ||||
Mr. Cat | Princess Tutu | |||||
Myoga | Inuyasha | |||||
Mytho | Sigfried | heartless-hero | Princess Tutu | |||
Naomi Ward Teller | Saorise Ronan | Bliss Stage | ||||
Navi | HEY, LISTEN | Hyrule | ||||
Nenio | Golarion | |||||
Njall Rangrsson | Richard Armitage | Crusader Kings | ||||
North | compass-points | Brown Chantry Thedas | ||||
Parael Atekri | thoughtcrimes | Malina Weissman | Alteriverse | |||
Pentecost Kuiper | stars-don't-align | Scholomance | ||||
Pique | Princess Tutu | |||||
Regill Derenge | Golarion | |||||
Rue | hideously-human | Princess Tutu | ||||
Rupert Giles | Anthony Head | Sunnyverse | ||||
Seej | uncertain-doom | a barnacle | Alteriverse | |||
Seelah | Golarion | |||||
Shippo | Inuyasha | |||||
Shoemakers | ||||||
Sosiel | ||||||
Spike | love's-bitch | James Marsters | Sunnyverse | |||
Spit | ||||||
Spite | rat dragon | Sperai | ||||
Sten | Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje | Brown Chantry Thedas | ||||
The Narrator | ||||||
Tiny | ways-of-the-earth | Saorise Ronan | Golarion | |||
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce | Alexis Denisof | Sunnyverse | ||||
Willow Rosenberg | Alyson Hannigan | Sunnyverse | ||||
Windy | ||||||
Winifred Burkle | Amy Acker | Sunnyverse | ||||
Woljif Jefto | Golarion |