Aestrix's Characters | |||||
Template: Adarin | |||||
Math nerd dedicated to saving the world as efficiently as possible, even at the cost of self care. One instance once accidentally married a woman against her will. |
Template: Aribeth | |||||
Template: Aurene | |||||
Template: Colette | |||||
Template: Gann | |||||
Witty, well-spoken, misanthropic hermit that delights in artistic pursuits and proving how clever they are. One instance dated Sauron. |
Template: Jowan | |||||
Template: Lynn | |||||
Template: Makari | |||||
Template: Nadia | |||||
A young woman who is trying her best to win the 'most adorable mad scientist' contest. All instances are good at explosions. |
Template: Raezenoth | |||||
Template: Revan | |||||
Charismatic and adaptable, Revan combines affability and fidelity with unceasing pragmatism. One instance once tried to conquer the galaxy. |
Template: Veron | |||||
Usually male template that often starts out completely ordinary in a fantastical world. Handles both it and parenting admirably despite his default state being 'In over his head.' One instance fought his way out of Hell. |
Template: Viandra | |||||
Template: Yvette | |||||
Organized, sensible, and responsible, Yvette despises inefficiency and wasted resources, especially mistreated human ones. One instance became a Sith Lord. |
Template: Zev | |||||
Foul mouthed, short tempered, and impulsive, Zevs care deeply for the welfare of those they love. One instance once brutally murdered a woman for enforcing local law. |
No Template | |||||