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ChaosMagic's Characters
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Template: Orochimaru

Sadistic and amoral, Orochimaru wants to learn all the secrets of the world more than anything else. Immortality, of course, is needed for that, and a bit of chaos to keep from getting bored...
Comes in three temporal clusters - young, early, and late. Young Orochimaru still cares for people close to him, but is coming to gradually despise the fragility of human life. Early Orochimaru has stopped caring about others and pursues solely his own advancement. Late-stage Orochimaru has decided that his previous approach was wrong, and looks to improve life for those he's let himself care about as well.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adam deadly-fruit Kwon Boa Automata
Cohuatomahua swallow-the-world Lee Jun Ki Liminal
Dante in-a-dark-wood Julie Andrews Fullmetal Alchemist, Amestris, FMA
Lord Voldemort deaths-flight Richard Harmon Harry Potter
Marchen snakeskin Lee Jun Ki Krisses
Marel reshape Kwon Boa, Lee Jun Ki Rebirth
Marian Faust gonna-be-great Storm Reid Soulweft
Marian Yashagoro best-mom Kwon Boa Enlighten
Marian Yashagoro curse-me-now Lee Jun Ki Marvel Universe, Völuspá
Marian Yashagoro flamel Kwon Boa Mercury
Marian Yashagoro inevitabilis Kwon Boa Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Marian Yashagoro loved-reviled-misunderstood Lee Jun Ki Scrap
Marian Yashagoro not-long-ago Kwon Boa Honor Harrington
Marian Yashagoro prosperity-and-poverty Kwon Boa Arena
Marian Yashagoro thedeadlylight Lee Jun Ki Eldritch
Marian Zima end-begin Nicole Maines Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Maryu yet-knowledge Storm Reid Star Wars
Orochimaru ouroboros Naruto
Orochimaru Ryuchido forscience Lee Jun Ki Erogame
Yuamarshel ancient-serpent Lee Jun Ki Dungeons and Dragons
Template: Peggy

Ambitious, intense, wants to be more than she's allowed to be. Kind and caring but not often able to show this. Wants the best for everyone. Will fist-fight the universe to get this.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Margaret "Peggy" Carter chick-with-the-shotgun Hayley Atwell Pallas Athene
Zoe Washburne shaboom Gina Torres Firefly
Template: Rei

Started with Reim, a trickster spirit. Rei's are uncomfortable with people knowing anything true about them, and they'll lie if they can at all get away with it. Fairly manipulative. Dislikes doing things themselves, and will often try to arrange for someone else to do their dirty work. They have a mean streak, and a twisted sense of humor.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Raine Voss desiderium Ariana Grande Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Raine Voss foul-is-fair Ariana Grande Suicide Squad, DC
Raine Voss is-not-gold Ariana Grande Marvel-616
Raine Voss necessity Ariana Grande Scrap
Ray Voss Mirage gildedtombs Andre Klitzke Eldritch
Reim risebysin Andre Klitzke Liminal
Template: Sakura

Alts of Haruno Sakura from Naruto. Smart. Often doesn't take things as seriously as she needs to as a kid, but grows into her own as a leader in her teens. Usually goes into medical fields.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Haruno Sakura springsblossoms Lauren Lunde Naruto
Haruno Sakura strengthofahundred Ai Takahashi Naruto
Haryusa spring-flight Dracocracy
Isekura Aherrina blossoming Ai Takahashi Thousand Skies
Sakura a-new-spring Ai Takahashi She-Ra
Sakura Haruno love-tap Ai Takahashi Datemate Dungeon
Sakura Haruno springmagic Ai Takahashi Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Sakura Haruno sweetspring Ai Takahashi Space Opera
Template: Sandarr

Deadbeat dad. Actually cares about his kids, even if he rarely sees them.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hohenheim of-the-light Robin Shou FMA, Fullmetal Alchemist, Amestris
Sandarr far-and-wide Robin Shou Dungeons and Dragons
Template: Sara

Sara's are born explorers. They enjoy meeting new people and seeing new sights. They have a knack for building vehicles of all sorts, though they lean towards ships and spaceships.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Nasaral gonebefore Madeleine Mantock Thousand Skies
Sara girlfriend-gun Madeleine Mantock Datemate Dungeon
Sara Frye all-set-to-veer-away Madeleine Mantock Firefly
Sarah Tindall astartosteerby Madeleine Mantock Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Sarah Tindall Navis awildclearcall Madeleine Mantock Eldritch
Sarah Tindall thebroadzee Madeleine Mantock Fallen London
Sarala wanderby Amandla Stenberg Ascension
Sarati soulscaptain Madeleine Mantock Liminal
Sara Tindall adastra Madeleine Mantock Space Opera
Sara Tycho Marvel wayamongthestars Amandla Stenberg Miracle
Sarawyn Tyravel lonelyseaandsky Madeleine Mantock Magnus, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim
Satomi goastray Madeleine Mantock Naruto
Template: Self Inserts

SIs, for all members of the Chaos System.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
October stop-to-begin
The Author chaos-incarnate Dylan O'Brien, Emma Watson
Template: Sesh

Generally level headed and difficult to perturb. Likes dogs

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Inuzuka Sesshi fangandclaw Tao Tsuchiya Naruto
Sashari Lupei redintooth Tao Tsuchiya Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Sasha Volkova clementia Tao Tsuchiya Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Template: Settings

Settings and minor character groups

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amestris flamel Amestris, FMA, Fullmetal Alchemist
Arda song-of-the-world Arda
Boogey fear-itself Boogey
Botfly corpseoftheday all night laundry
Cognoscente who-are-you-wearing Cognoscente
Datemate Dungeon love-is-a-battlefield Datemate Dungeon
Death none-can-excel Unquiet
Eldritch worlds-end Eldritch
Exalted glories-on-high Exalted
Fairyland marvels-beyond Fairyland - Valente
Greatness in-a-name Greatness
Heartless in-full-technicolor Heartless
Honorverse stars-cannot-be-bought Honor Harrington
Horrible Gooses beautiful-day Council of Horrible Gooses
Inanna's Ring wethepeople Inanna's Ring
Lucidity waits-dreaming Lucidity
Magical Girls Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Marvel not-for-long Marvel-616
Minor Characters
Ravenloft abandonhope Ravenloft
Roaring Twenties speak-easy Roaring Twenties
Scrap build-yourself Scrap
Shinobi Naruto
Space is an Ocean monstrous-depths Space is an Ocean
Star Wars long-time-ago Star Wars
Tamriel beauty-of-dawn Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Magnus
The Erogame pornwithplot Erogame
The Krissan chaos-aliens Krisses
The Library stay-a-while Infinite Library
Thousand Skies endless-city Thousand Skies
Trainwreck between-cities Trainwreck
Transgression against-the-gods Transgression
Template: Sha

Mother of Em and Li-an. Typically standoffish, and tends to intentionally or not encourage competition in her children.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Odin wit-and-madness Megan Follows Marvel Universe, Völuspá
Shannon Arrington all-causes-give-way Megan Follows Animorphs
Shannon Arrington lighted-fools-the-way Sophie Okonedo Lucidity
Shannon Arrington to-dusty-death Megan Follows Unquiet
Sharinda allthatglisters Sophie Okonedo The Elder Scrolls, Magnus
Thranduil autumn-crown Megan Follows Arda
Uchiha Shana infire Yuu Aoi Naruto
Uesha thoughtsthataspire Megan Follows Dice, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D
Template: Sheogorath-Jyggalag

Professional little shit

Chaos: Sheogorath's cluster. Strives to maximize madness
Order: Jyggalag's cluster. Strives to maximize order.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jyggalag Jyggalag it-goes-on Gaspard Ulliel The Elder Scrolls
Loptr Sheogorath sky-roads Gaspard Ulliel, Eve Harlow Norse Mythology
Luna Sheogorath the-outer-madness Gaspard Ulliel, Eve Harlow Exalted
Sheogorath Sheogorath madness-incarnate Eve Harlow, Gaspard Ulliel The Elder Scrolls
The Green Wind fairydust Gaspard Ulliel Fairyland - Valente
The Nameless Sheogorath fire-bringer Gaspard Ulliel, Eve Harlow Transgression
Template: Shisui

Disaster boy who would like everything to stop exploding for five minutes maybe. Please. He needs a nap.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Shisui Nakano deathbydespair Sukku Son Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Uchiha Shisui deathbywater Sukku Son Naruto
Template: Silver ~ Outgoing

Genderfluid, socially awkward, and energetic, Silvers are typically kind but can have unkind moments. Template attractors for druidic powers, wolves, and silver hair.

Outgoing cluster of the Silver template. Usually have a Silver name pattern.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ateshai boundaway Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Thousand Skies
Dyurver the Green see-you-try Tina Desai, Fawad Khan Arda
Silur wakened-ecstasy Tina Desai, Fawad Khan Inanna's Ring
Silv nearer-desire Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner
Silver night-is-for-hunting Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Lucidity
Silver Wolf whatgreaternature Brendan Walters, Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack Ascension
Silvester Lowell topsy-turvy Elle Fanning, Ed Speelers Vectors
Silvester Lowell wolf-heart Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Animorphs
Silvia Lowell trueasthesky Elle Fanning, Ed Speelers Eldritch
Silvia Lowell wolves-without-teeth Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack Boogey
Silv Lowell said-the-wolf Brendan Walters, Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack Marvel-616
Tasha'es the Silver softpaw Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls
Tessraena Silver Wolf raisedbywolves Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Dice, Dungeons and Dragons
Template: Silver ~ Shy

Shy cluster of the Silver template. Usually have a 'Tess' name pattern.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
- lost-in-the-woods Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner, Elle Fanning, Ed Speelers Mercury
Mithra blood-and-thorn Tina Desai Ravenloft
Senju Tetsuma fromacornsgrow Makiko Esumi, Jo Odagiri Naruto
Senju Tetsuma Sapling seedling Tomoya Hashimoto, Lin Miaoke Naruto
Terry Lowell wolftongued Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Small Gods
Tesh Urbara no-sorrow-bow Seychelle Gabriel, Taylor Lautner Inanna's Ring
Tess Lowell softstarshine Elle Fanning, Ed Speelers Space Opera
Tetsuri luminousmind Tina Desai, Fawad Khan Naruto
Theresa Lowell poetryofearth Elle Fanning, Ed Speelers
Theresa Lowell the-strength-of-the-wolf Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Theresa "Tess" Lowell wildscall Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Matteo Simone Miracle
Template: Soreiyu

Original version is the son of Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata. Is often the middle child of a great hero. Overshadowed by his more outgoing siblings and his famous parents, Soreiyu is shy and quietly determined to find his own way.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Soreiyu Uzumaki spirallingsun Choi Minki Overlord
Sumunsu sun-song Choi Minki Inanna's Ring
Sureyai jeweledstars Choi Minki Thousand Skies
Uzumaki Soreiyu Choi Minki Naruto
Template: Su

Started with Uchiha Sasuke. Younger sibling of the Chi template.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alyssum seriously Kanata Hongo Council of Horrible Gooses
Asuka Nakano thing-with-feathers Kanata Hongo Cimmeria
Asuka Nakano to-the-sun Kanata Hongo Panem
Azula strikes-twice Amber Liu Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bright Falcon Witch Sue reach-the-stars Kanata Hongo, Larissa Wilson Cognoscente
Darth Animus in-darkness-I-rise Amber Liu Old Republic, Star Wars
Esulri broken-wing Kanata Hongo Evil Overlord List
Falcon X wing-formation John Cho Honor Harrington
Sasuke through-the-heart Kanata Hongo Datemate Dungeon
Sasuke Uchiha Taka stoke-the-flames Kanata Hongo DC, Suicide Squad
Shalsuve the-hawk-and-the-snake Kanata Hongo Dungeons and Dragons
Sue Shepherd fastest-alive Jessica Parker Kennedy Young Avengers, Marvel-616
Sue Uccelo after-ash Yara Shahidi Boogey
Sue Uccelo conturbatio Larissa Wilson, Yara Shahidi Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Sue Uccelo leftbehind Larissa Wilson Harry Potter
Sulla Ulrich ravendeath Kanata Hongo Ravenloft
Sunn not-forsaken Larissa Wilson Star Wars, Mortis
Sunnarr black-arrow John Cho Arda
Sunnrúðr Mjaðveigarson win-the-day Kanata Hongo
Sura prince-of-power Amber Liu, Kanata Hongo She-Ra
Surien the-feathered-crown Kanata Hongo Corruption of Champions
Tunturi sail-over Amber Liu Fairyland - Valente
Uchiha Sasuke climbhigher Kanata Hongo Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke fledgling Aramis Knight Naruto
Ushel Kasu before-we-fall Amber Liu Star Wars
Yeisu of Usuhi thunder-wing Dracocracy
Template: Su ~ Indra

Warlord and ex-warlord Su. Disasterest. Despite template name Xena is a more central member.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Lena Organa monster-that-believes Lucy Lawless Star Wars
Xena down-in-legend Lucy Lawless Xena: Warrior Princess
Template: Su ~ Jessica

Smartest Su. Probably drunk. Beats people up in the name of detective work. Definitely Anya's fault.

Probably a Su-Skye template blend

Attractors: trans, Tragic, detective, smart, dislikes fighting/killing but gets forced into it because lesser of two evils, target of a mind-whammy (whether illusory torture or mind control), dead birth family, asshole adoptive parents

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jeshila fuck-off Krysten Ritter Polychroma
Jessica Jones fucking-vampires Krysten Ritter Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jessica Jones fuck-you Krysten Ritter Animorphs
Jessica Jones go-the-fuck-away Krysten Ritter Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jessica Jones this-sucks Krysten Ritter Cimmeria
Jessin fucking-gods Krysten Ritter Transgression
Uchiha Shikanou fucking-ninjas Jessica Henwick Naruto
Template: Su ~ Manako

Non-tragic Su. Usually a Tsume kid.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amanda iterate Alterra
Amanda Hunden learn Kaylee Bryant Enlighten
Amanda Hunden reach Kaylee Bryant Lucidity
Gabrielle legends-and-sagas Renee O'Connor Xena: Warrior Princess
Template: Su ~ Tobirama

An extremely intelligent dumbass. Loves experimenting, has no respect for safety procedures.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
... graveofautumn Unquiet
Akira Curtis knowledgeoftruth Amber Liu Fullmetal Alchemist, FMA, Amestris
Chimiraija hoardofknowledge Renewal
Frosmere skyofstorms Arda
Hiram Curwen whispersofhorror Adeyto Rex Angeli Cthulhu Mythos
Meridia orphanofstars Adeyto Rex Angeli The Elder Scrolls
Mira Sowka mannerofthings Adeyto Rex Angeli Heartbroken, Worm
Miriana Maximoff speedoflight Normani Kordei Marvel-616
Senju Tobirama mindoflightning Adeyto Rex Angeli Naruto
Sira lifeofheresy Adeyto Rex Angeli Transgression
Snow catofchange Makai
Sugira birdofheaven Kanata Hongo, John Cho, Kaylee Bryant Inanna's Ring
Suzuki Akira skyofstars Kanata Hongo Voltron
Template: Su ~ Tomoe

Su, with no siblings whatsoever. Always a Mikoto clone. Possibly a Su-Mikoto template blend.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Tamara Lane Bennett soar Zoe Saldana Mystic
Tomoe Lovelace Nakano presence Xun Zhao Star Trek
Tomomi Inka'suvnia Nakano luminous Xun Zhao Lucidity
Tomomi James Nakano ascendant Xun Zhao Marvel Universe, Völuspá
Template: Ta

Started with Uchiha Tajima. The younger sibling of Rian/ Li-an. Can occur as an only child.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hel seven-for-a-secret Hu Ge Marvel Universe, Völuspá
Tomislav glory-of-night Hu Ge Ravenloft
Uchiha Tajima withoutend Hu Ge Naruto
Template: Takeko

The daughter of the Su template, Takeko is gregarious, curious, and makes friends easily. She's a bit bossy when young, but grows into a good leader as she ages.

Retired character.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Takeko Uchiha ravenqueen Malese Jow Overlord
Tanna humofworlds Malese Jow Thousand Skies
Template: Treasure

Younger sibling of Kuchinawa. An Orochimaru kid, often also a Sasuke kid (by adoption or otherwise).

Extremely intelligent. Bouncy. Intense at times. Doesn't take life very seriously, and doesn't care a lot about strangers.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Auðr delve Natasha Liu Bordizzo Arda
Cherish Nakano change Natasha Liu Bordizzo Heartbroken, Worm
Cherish Solo zoom Natasha Liu Bordizzo Star Wars
Cherish Yashagoro bright Natasha Liu Bordizzo Enlighten
Nishirtu shine Natasha Liu Bordizzo Inanna's Ring
Treasure X mark Natasha Liu Bordizzo Honor Harrington
Template: Tsunade

Medic with anger issues. Extremely passionate about doing what's right for people. Often has a life full of tragedy, which tends to leave her feeling like fighting is pointless... For a time, at least.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ástríðr the-other-gold Kadee Strickland Nekoblivion
Jun Mustang lead-to-gold Kim Mingyu FMA, Fullmetal Alchemist, Amestris
Senju Tsunade athousandgold KaDee Strickland Naruto
Steinfridr pale-enchanted-gold KaDee Strickland Arda