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ChaosMagic's Characters
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Template: Leia kids ~ Jaina

Younger sibling to Jacen, older sibling to Baby Anakin. Often is twins with Jacen, and is sometimes triplets with Jacen and Baby Anakin.

In constant competition with Jacen for Least Valid Person in the Universe. Always from a highly placed or famous family with a penchant for causing drama for everyone else.

Likes to pretend to be a good person. Is probably lying.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jaina Organa-Solo Jaina lying-in-wait Natalie Portman Star Wars
Li Jiana keep-living-anyway Jessie Mei Li Scholomance
Ñolofinwë Aracáno Jaina make-our-mistakes Natalie Portman Arda
Suul Jalina we-rise-and-we-fall Jessie Mei Li Exalted
Uchiha Jakkou the-sinners-and-the-saints Jessie Mei Li Naruto
Template: Li-an

A generally heroic type, Li-ans started with Lirhan, a paladin in a dungeons and dragons world, and grew from there. Can come in any gender.
Template attractors for a morally dubious older sibling, for a light theme, for big cats, and for fire magic.
Brave, often to a fault. Usually has a strict moral code they stick to, though the code varies with age and upbringing. Generally highly concerned with fairness. Prone to black and white thinking, and has trouble with feeling any empathy for people she's decided are Evil

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
... Young Non-Martial greaterjudgement Skyler Samuels Fallen London
Hozuki Rian Young Martial lightonthewater Takeru Satoh Naruto
Kalyna Ulrich Young Martial lostlight Skyler Samuels Ravenloft
Lealan Old Non-Martial rowofstars William Moseley Space Opera
Lianda Old Martial dawns-light Tiffany Hines The Elder Scrolls, Magnus, Skyrim
Lianne Arrington Old Non-Martial aglow Tiffany Hines Lucidity
Lianne Arrington Young Non-Martial blaze-like-meteors Skyler Samuels Unquiet
Lianne Arrington Evil burning-light Skyler Samuels Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Lianne Arrington Young Non-Martial fearless-light Emily Alyn Lind Boogey
Lianne Arrington Young Non-Martial guiding-light Skyler Samuels Animorphs
Lianne Arrington Old Martial Corona lightspeed Tiffany Hines Eldritch
Lianne Arrington Young Non-Martial starburst Emily Alyn Lind
Lianne Arrington Young Non-Martial Glimmer starlightstarbright Skyler Samuels Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Lianne Arrington Old Non-Martial thefalsestars Skyler Samuels Fallen London
Lianne Uccelo Young Non-Martial darkdays Emi Takei Potterverse, Hogwarts
Liliana van Hohenheim Evil burning-envy Emi Takei, Skyler Samuels, Tiffany Hines FMA, Amestris, Fullmetal Alchemist
Liliane d'Aigle Old Martial divinelight Skyler Samuels Dungeons and Dragons
Lili-Anesi Young Non-Martial thundercrown Emi Takei Inanna's Ring
Lirhan Young Martial thelightsublime William Moseley Dungeons and Dragons, Dice
Loki Aðísla Young Martial five-for-silver Emi Takei, Takeru Satoh Marvel Universe, Völuspá
Lyngulfr Old Martial eat-the-sun Norse Mythology
Lyra Malfoy a-gilded-age Emily Alyn Lind, Skyler Samuels Harry Potter
Thor Odinson Old Martial golden-child William Moseley Marvel-616
Uchiha Rian Young Martial embersflyup Xyriel Manabat Naruto
Uchiha Rian Old Martial fire-shadow Emi Takei Naruto
Uchiha Rian Young Martial will-of-fire Emi Takei Naruto
Template: Lian kid ~ Alesan

Likes exploring. Kind of quiet, pretty good at existing within a system and picking someone to be loyal to.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ales broaderhorizons Malcolm David Kelly Ascension
Alesan ashore Malcolm David Kelly The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim
Aleshen east-of-the-sun Idris Elba Thousand Skies
Alexander crossthezee Malcolm David Kelly Fallen London
Uchiha Arata Kato Seishiro Naruto
Template: Lian kid ~ Blaise

Lian's more war-like child. Often frustrated. Doesn't really know what to do with his emotions.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Bilas thedrumsofwar Benson Jack Anthony Ascension
Blaise glory-glory Benson Jack Anthony Magnus, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim
Blake Benson Jack Anthony Fallen London
Uchiha Burei Jacob Rica Naruto
Template: Lian kid ~ Lucia

The gentle, sensitive child. Loves music. Worries a lot about her friends and family. Wants everyone to get along.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Delicate Songbird Conjuress Lucia flower-wreath Linda Cardellini, Zhao Liying Cognoscente
Louise dispossed Grace Dever Fallen London
Lucia like-a-flower Grace Dever Magnus, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls
Lusai musicoftheages Grace Dever Ascension
Lyasie all-in-flower Linda Cardellini Krisses
Uchiha Ryousei fire-flowers Lin Miaoke, Zhao Liying Naruto
Template: Lian kid ~ Rune

Lian's more ruthless kid. Often mentored by her aunt, Em. Rune often ends up in morally neutral, more shadowy professions, though sometimes she takes after a mix of her mom and aunt and does morally questionable things for morally laudable goals.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Rena greatheights Riko Yoshida Fallen London
Runa Fair-Shield change-the-world Riko Yoshida Magnus, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim
Rune secretmine Riko Yoshida Ascension
Rune d'Aigle strike-from-shadows Jennifer An Dungeons and Dragons
Ruxandra von Zarovich justify-the-means Jennifer An Ravenloft
Uchiha Runa Riko Yoshida Naruto
Template: Lian kid ~ Sofia

The smart kid. Sometimes a bit neurotic. Sometimes forgets morals exist in favor of curiosity.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sofie anywhere-else Bailee Madison The Elder Scrolls, Magnus, Skyrim
Sophia withgreatwisdom Bailee Madison Ascension
Sophie outinthecold Bailee Madison Fallen London
Uchiha Suzu Mana Ashida Naruto
Template: Lian-Orochimaru

A blend/resonant of Orochimaru and Li-an.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Lianne Arrington for-what-you-love Emi Takei Datemate Dungeon
Marian Yashagoro for-all-eternity Lee Jun Ki Datemate Dungeon
Orochimaru likesweetbells Naruto
Uchiha Rian outoftune Emi Takei Naruto
Template: Madara

Used to be a Su until brain decided was an Itachi.

Manipulative, dramatic, disaster trashfire whose plans inevitably go horribly awry. Wants peace. Really.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Maddy Underwood dreams-die Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Maddy Underwood we-will-fight Tracie Thoms Panem
Madni if-lions-come Tracie Thoms Atalanta
Maeghin burn-within Arak Amornsupasiri Skyrim, Magnus
Uchiha Madara fight-and-battle Jacob Rica Naruto
Uchiha Madara rise-and-rise-forever Arak Amornsupasiri Naruto
Template: Mal

An intellectual type, Mals like to geek out about languages, science, and magic. Child versions tend to be rather rude and abrupt, especially if you're hiding knowledge from them.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mal loved-the-stars Space is an Ocean
Malen higherthangod Jordana Beatty Ascension
Malena Delvin all-directions Vanessa Marano Vectors
Malielle mylaterscience Angie Harmon Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Malielle The Elder Scrolls
Malir everonwards Angie Harmon Thousand Skies
Maljarei te Ashyen too-truly Angie Harmon Krisses
Mallory Delvin aperfectage Vanessa Marano Earth
Mallory Delvin Mal calmestcoldness Angie Harmon Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mallory Delvin know-my-name Vanessa Marano Marvel-616
Mallory Delvin riseinperfectlight Jordana Beatty Miracle
Mallory Delvin set-in-darkness Vanessa Marano Lucidity
Mallory Delvin toohighforstrife Angie Harmon Earth
Mallory Delvin tothestars Angie Harmon Space Opera
Mallory Delvin Codex withstrangeaeons Vanessa Marano Eldritch
Melissa thewizardsapprentice Vanessa Marano Steerswoman
Narcissa Malfoy stars-are-old Angie Harmon Harry Potter
Sagami Mariko noeasyway Karen Fukuhara Naruto
Uzumaki Mariko mytheorycomplete Sophie Turner Naruto
Uzumaki Mariko whirlingtides Jordana Beatty Naruto
Template: Mi

More a follower than a leader, Mi likes to work from the shadows. She usually finds herself attached to Ash, typically working more-or-less for her. Tends to share Ash's goals.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Michelle alwaysrise Julia Jones Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mirun forswornforever Julia Jones Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Mishi angelofpain Julia Jones Naruto
Mishtli houseofsecrets Julia Jones Liminal
Template: Mikoto

Su's mom. Usually also Chi's mom, but not always. Polite. Kind. Diplomatic. Will murder you.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Makena Bennett fataltruth Zoe Saldana Mystic
Mikoto Nakano three-words Xun Zhao Star Trek
Narangerel past-the-horizon Xun Zhao Bellum Magi
Uchiha Mikoto dying-embers Xun Zhao Naruto
Template: Minor Arda Characters

Minor characters, both original and canon, from assorted versions of Tolkien's legendarium.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Fili Dean O'Gorman Arda
Kili a-little-fun Aidan Turner Arda
Smaug fire-and-death Arda
Thorin Oakenshield rightfulking Richard Armitage Arda
Template: Minor Characters [Chaos]

Chaos's one offs and minor characters that aren't part of a wider set.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
August Landry coffee-girl Jenny Slate The Twilight Zone
Bel the-storyteller Simone Kessell Steerswoman
Blair Wood makelotsofnoise Erika Linder Scrap
Bruno bestdog Kaya Scrap
Dan in-this-economy Koji Kikkawa
Gaara sand-demon Raelee Hill Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jonabeth Wood mountainmusic Kate Bracken Scrap
Josephine Dubois infinityoverzero Melissa McCarthy all night laundry
Jun Park until-evil-be-slain Linda Park Vectors
Kate girl-next-door Yuki Shikanuma
Kyubey on-a-star Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Laashya just-a-dream Tiya Sircar all night laundry
Lingormr Giacomo Gianniotti Liminal
Mr Cat orangeasshole Small Gods
Piotyr not-dog all night laundry
Samildanach mac Cein king-and-savior Vectors
The Crone within-yourself Blythe Danner Boogey
Template: Minor Fullmetal Alchemist Characters

Characters, both from the anime/manga and original characters, native to Fullmetal Alchemist, who lack their own templates.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Edward Elric fullmetal Fullmetal Alchemist, FMA, Amestris
Maes Hughes have-you-seen Adrian Pasdar FMA, Fullmetal Alchemist, Amestris
Template: Minor Inannas Ring Characters

Assorted Inanna's Ring characters. May or may not get their own templates someday.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Asilala joy-and-laughter Inanna's Ring
Inanna loveandwar Bhavana Inanna's Ring
Kizurra exactly Xyriel Manabat Inanna's Ring
Risulanu friendshaped Acaba Mio Inanna's Ring
Tiralal peace-everafter Malese Jow Inanna's Ring
Template: Minor Marvel Characters

Assorted minor characters, both canon and original, from assorted Marvel properties.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
America Chavez starsinhereyes Alisha Wainwright Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Cassandra Lang little-girl-big-problems Indiana Evans Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Elijah Bradley presence-of-justice Tristan Wilds Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Erik Lehnsherr magnetize Ian McKellen Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Theodore Altman who-am-I Gregg Sulkin Marvel-616, Young Avengers
The Vision in-a-new-world Paul Bettany Marvel-616, Young Avengers
Template: Minor Naruto Characters

A catch-all for Naruto-verse characters, both canon and OCs, who may someday get their own templates.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amaterasu illuminate Li Qian Naruto
Inuzuka Hana what-we-can-be Jamie Chung Naruto
Inuzuka Tsume red-in-claw Grace Ip Naruto
Senju Itama lost-magpie Isaac Hampstead Wright Naruto
Senju Nawaki lostdream Joey Luthman Naruto
Tenten perfect Jeno Liu Liyang Naruto
Uchiha Itachi genjitsu Watanabe Daisuke Naruto
Ueda Kyoku crescendo Sun FeiFei Naruto
Utatane Yasumi lastchoice Kim Yun-Jin Naruto
Template: Minor Skyrim Characters

Skyrim characters who may or may not get their own templates someday.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Astrid family-above-all Tabrett Bethel Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Babette little-teeth Dakota Blue Richards Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Ralof sons-of-skyrim Toby Regbo Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Serana child-be-still Kate Beckinsale Magnus, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim
Talos dragon-of-the-north Tom Burke Skyrim
Ulfric Stormcloak voiceofwinter Sean Bean Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Template: Minor Star Wars Characters

Characters from Star Wars who don't have their own templates yet.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
BB-8 true-friend Star Wars, Mortis
Chewbacca hear-me-roar Star Wars
Shmi Skywalker don't-look-back Pernilla August Star Wars
Template: Mjoll

Likes to do what's right. Used to be an adventurer, until she retired to be an activist. Generally attaches as a Lian ally.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mjoll lioness Lucy Lawless Skyrim, Magnus, The Elder Scrolls
Nyall hear-me-roar Lucy Lawless Thousand Skies
Template: Naruto

Dweeb. Excitable, and has non-standard intelligence, so he often ends up believing he's stupider than he is. Probably has ADD. Good at social.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Bright Sorrow power-of-friendship Aryana Engineer, Trent Sullivan Aeons
Finrod Felagund pity-and-mercy Aaron Ashmore Arda
Miryo and-men Selena Gomez Warrior/Witch
Naru winds-grace Fukuda Saki Avatar: The Last Airbender
Naruto boyfriend-powers-activate Aaron Ashmore, Taylor Momsen Datemate Dungeon
Naurin stronger-together Aaron Ashmore Greatness
Nausicaa Kaplan rise-and-fall Jessica Parker Kennedy Young Avengers, Marvel-616
Nausicaa Uzun for-every-joy Taylor Momsen Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Nausicaa Uzun from-the-deeps Aaron Ashmore, Fukuda Saki, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Taylor Momsen Cthulhu Mythos
Nausicaa Uzun looking-at-stars Taylor Momsen Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nausicaa Uzun thanks-I-hate-it Sierra Capri Earth
Nausicaa Uzun unexpected-places Aryana Engineer Boogey
Nausicaa Uzun witch-way Ivory Aquino Evil Eye
Nausri maybe-a-hero Aaron Ashmore Evil Overlord List
Nemar food-of-the-gods Jacob Latimore Arabek
Nereus Uzun dream-maker Aaron Ashmore Worm, Wormverse, Heartbroken
Nereus Uzun fighting-dreamer Aaron Ashmore Lucidity
Nereus Uzun later-on Aaron Ashmore Hereafter
Nuray Uzun defender-of-all Jessica Parker Kennedy Voltron
Nyareshi of Uzome the-other-gold Dracocracy
Russet Took whither-then Taylor Momsen Arda
Sunstone Mage Nausicaa beautiful-friendship Jacob Latimore, Madeleine Madden Cognoscente
Uzumaki Naruto new-way Aaron Ashmore, Fukuda Saki, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Taylor Momsen Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto spiral-up Trent Sullivan Naruto
Template: Naruto ~ Hashirama

A more lawful Naruto. Generally tends to come off as wiser and more mature - but he has a lot of blind spots Naruto doesn't.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
I'asharoth vast-dreams Forrest Goodluck Lucidity
Senju Hashirama dreams-bigger-than-me Forrest Goodluck Naruto
Senju Hashirama tiny-grass-dreaming Sladen Peltier Naruto
Senju Hashirama we-dreamed-together Booboo Stewart Naruto
Template: Naruto ~ September

A less kind Naruto, who perhaps has yet to grow their heart.

September means well, ultimately, but there's a few bumps in the way.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
September do-not-steal-queens Selena Gomez Miracle
September Morning Bell her-own-making Selena Gomez Fairyland - Valente
September Morning Bell to-lose-your-heart Selena Gomez Heartless
September Tucker worth-two-in-chains Selena Gomez FMA, Fullmetal Alchemist, Amestris
Tahemb all-her-kingdoms Madeleine Madden Krisses
The Sphinx in-threes-and-sixes Council of Horrible Gooses
Template: Niet

Disaster bab. Actually secretly a really intense sub but in denial about this.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Annette Hale adrift Willa Holland
Edny unless Willa Holland The Elder Scrolls
Harriet Evans lost Abigail Breslin Harry Potter
Mairon astray Willa Holland Arda
Nettie of Blue Dale devoid Willa Holland Spelljammer
Rey of Jakku deserted Willa Holland Star Wars
Ulani without Willa Holland Inanna's Ring