Bobbi's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adela du Toit a-gentle-someone Sangrade
Alexander. Carlton Loth.
Alexander die Zitrone adorable-illusion Citrouille
Alexander, King of Beasts whisper-game the secret of the bones
Alexander, the Wolf Prince fraction-of-your-happy-heart Pu'er
Alexandra Zindler nature-is-so Meryl Streep.
Alice Beineke pack-up-and-leave Addams
Amaris Baker come-with-me Alice Parkinson
Amaris Banane it-was-a-gas Citrouille
Ammon Babinski shift-in-the-weather Jack White.
Arizvam. cloud-step Hekirekum
Barbara die Weintraube pain-in-the-ass Louise McCarthy. Citrouille
Bradley Jojoba teasing-like-you-do Citrouille
Bradley Jones Mist. Sam Heughan.
Bufo Bufo falling-star
Caden Higgins pretty-face
Caden Yong smile-in-an-instant all night laundry
Caden Yong take-me-through-the-darkness
Caden Yong whatever-you-want Kim Jaejoong.
Caden York Strife. Zachary Booth.
Caden Yuzu heart-of-glass Citrouille
Cinderella silver-and-gold The Woods
Citrouille Citrouille
Cousin Itt a-sable-coat Addams
Daiam NĂ¢rengi what-I-find-is-pleasing Adam Ayash. Citrouille
Total: 118