danarmak's Characters
All Characters
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abadar God of Golarion though-the-heavens-fall Golarion
Ahmose reach-exceeding-grasp Golarion, Wormverse
Aria dreamed-she-was-a-tiger Golarion, Wormverse
Arna "yank" Kithara steal-hearts-and-minds Golarion
Asmodeus God of Golarion evil-for-your-own-good Golarion
Asmodeus God of Golarion through-victory-my-chains-are-tightened Golarion
Brizzz ambassador-to-the-lawful Golarion
Calistria God of Golarion lust-for-revenge-for-lust Golarion
Cayden Cailean God of Golarion drink-and-be-merry Golarion
Desna God of Golarion right-of-entry
Earth Bet Wormverse
Golarion God of Golarion the-broken-cage Golarion
Golarion God of Golarion the-word-for-world-is-golarion Golarion
Gord Gord you-gonna-fight-me Arnold Schwarzenegger
Gorum God of Golarion our-lord-in-stainless-steel Golarion
Harun burn-all-the-ships Elijah Wood Golarion
Inquisitor Liotr Hawkblade the-blame-of-murder-is-laid-upon-the-man Golarion
Iomedae God of Golarion sword-of-the-light
Leet art-is-games Wayne Szalinski
Mephistopheles God of Golarion the-devils-greatest-trick Golarion
Milani God of Golarion roses-need-thorns
Nethys God of Golarion all-knowing-all-exploding Golarion
Norgorber God of Golarion cant-prove-anything Golarion
Otho with-great-knowledge-comes-great-fun Golarion
Otolmens God of Golarion secure-contain-protect Golarion
Pharasma God of Golarion life-death-and-judgement Golarion
Rosal smell-as-sweet Golarion
Sarenrae God of Golarion nothing-to-be-redeemed
Taylor Hebert Taylor Hebert cast-me-out Dafne Keen Wormverse
The Black Spears a-grand-adventure Golarion
Tora burning-bright Golarion, Wormverse
Truck-kun we-deliver-everywhere
Über better-than-you Steve Burton Wormverse
Urgathoa God of Golarion eat-breed-do-not-die Golarion
Valmallos God of Golarion a-tax-upon-magic
Viatrix have-desna-will-travel Golarion
Zon-Kuthon God of Golarion the-art-of-pain Golarion