Mkaiew's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adolin Kholin The Stormlight Archive
Christine Way Pray for salvation
Dalinar Kholin Always the next step Roshar
Dalinar Kholin For the thrill
Dr Elias Morfin Black Aspiring super villain TORG
Elias Black To search for light in the darkness high school
Elia Tenebrae from the shadows Pathfinder, cheliax, Golarion
Jasnah Kholin
Kai really love some people sometimes
kaladin stormblessed To fail and know we fail
Leareth the-final-accounting
lift never change
Lustersun The Hunger Games
Mistress Radiant tripartite mind (blade)
Navani Kholin
nightblood destroy evil
Pattern fascinating lies
Shallan Kholin tripartite mind (core)
Syl Seasons in the sun
Szeth-son-son-Vallano flow my leader
The horde
the Stormfather
Veil tripartite mind (spy)
Wit ???