Kaylin's NPCs
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
b'Doon Here Be Goblins
Commander Iverson Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury Voltron
Commander Sendak Voltron
Dr Kent Nelson fate-be-kind Peter Capaldi Young Justice, DC comics
Kaolin Here Be Goblins
Livie (Psychopomp) but eating people is wrong Here Be Goblins
Mysterious Stranger a disease of the mind, it can control you Here Be Goblins
Severus Snape Alan Rickman Harry Potter
Swineherd humble-pig-farmers viny tillage
Tesni Voice
Tula | Aquagirl Aquagirl as-the-sea Sophie Turner Young Justice, DC comics
Vallinas village a disease of the mind, it can control you Here Be Goblins
Zekt but eating people is wrong Here Be Goblins