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Kaylin's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Calimantë Enlighten promethean-fire Felicity Jones Forest Arda
Callias Aidan eyes-can-see Max Barczak Kreon
Calvin Thomas always-darkest Eclipse Phase
Casaleio reject-your-reality Max Barczak Amenta
Casey Peterson aspiring-heart AnnaLee Suicide Possession
Castien Parconza Michael Ghost anybody-listening Max Barczak Exhumans
Cato Valerius Michael the-last-syllable Booboo Stewart Scriven
Chavira Viva vivagoldstar Amenta
Cheshire Cat Leo Chess allmadhere Wonderland
Christopher Aimery Parsons protego Max Barczak Potterverse
Colan "Cole" Roberts showmeahero William Moseley Corth
Cole Roberts can-do-this William Moseley Miracle
Col Spularti strengthofsix Kiowa Gordon Symbiote
Consensus Consensus
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe Coran gorgeous-man François Verkerk Voltron
Corth Corth
Counsel | The Leader Counsel larger-than-life Jonathan Rhys Meyers Barokan
Dame Caitriona my-sisters-keeper AnnaLee Suicide Genderswapped Albion
Dame Grainne of Sorelais Grainne have-you-ever Shalom Harlow Genderswapped Albion
Dame Lancelot du Lac my-liege Jaimie Alexander Genderswapped Albion
Damian brightyoungman Ben Whishaw Earth
Danazhenur in-one-piece Kelovea
Daniel Haldane Wolf lovetohowl Darren Criss Quintessence
Daphne Gage Whiteraven drink-it-in Jessica Brown Findlay Bluebloods
Darya Rozaliyev Goldcrest earth Rozaliyev walk-the-earth Harshvardhan Kapoor Corth