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Kaylin's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arati Phoenix burning-pain Willy Cartier Exhumans
Aria Haldane Aria as-if-alive Diane Kruger Quintessence
Arillee to-be-happiest Go Ara Afterborn
Arrow | The Archer Arrow gotta-be-soon Alex Meraz Barokan
Artanuthar Artan kingofdragons Edward Atterton Elcenia
Artemis Liên Crock Artemis shooting-straight Marie Digby Young Justice
Arthur Pendragon Dragon rexbritanniae Dean O'Gorman/Edward Atterton Albion, King Arthur
Arthur Penny Yank becomeaman Edward Atterton Eos
Arthur Peterson at-your-beginning Edward Atterton Possession
Arthur Phelps Innocent thisblessedplot Edward Atterton Sunnyverse
Artix von Krieger destroy-the-undead Brenton Thwaites DragonFable
Arvid Ulfrsson kingdom-as-great Ario Bayu Zveri
Ashes O'Reilly ash fire-burns-bright Amandla Stenberg The Mechanisms
Astraea Life where-theres-life Go Ara Seven Kingdoms
Aurelius Ambrosius Arthur grim-visaged-war Clive Standen Albion, King Arthur
Aurora in-the-machine The Mechanisms
Ava-Ishtar Ninian Ava by-moonlight Diane Kruger Space Albion
Azure Azure
Barbara Gordon | Batgirl Batgirl the-only-woman Emma Stone Young Justice
Barokan Barokan
Beru Whitesun best-and-worst Jurnee Smollett-Bell Star Wars
Bluebloods Bluebloods
Briar through-the-dawn Rose Leslie The Mechanisms
Brokenstar Brokenstar rise-by-sin Warrior Cats
Caitlin Graves my-lord-requires Gwyneth Paltrow Corth