The Dungeon Master's Characters
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Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Agatha Danbury Bridgerton cover-your-bruises
Aistalë Valynrest heaven-sent
Altgrove Altgrove weather-the-storm
Aphrodite Gods goddess-of-everything-else
Asmodeus Gods blood-of-the-lamb
Babacar representativeness-heuristic
Baby Black Dragon Bridgerton nurture-versus-nature
Beryllia, Most High Priestess of Sirenna Church see-how-they-rise-up
Bishop Canarbon Church justly-proud
Bishop Canarbon Church so-much-purer
Caragon did-not-shame-his-kind
Carter Agan we-the-people
Clappitysnap Silvermoon can-i-have-some?
Diego Raikoth uncanny-forethought
DM the-mythic-underworld
Duke Caragon Valynrest faints-not-nor-faileth
Duke Voltur Bridgerton Young High Society Voltur an-outworn-lie
Edwina Sharma Bridgerton all-perfect-measure
Ellesmera city-of-tears
Elnara Altgrove
Galora Galorae makiwara
Galora Galorae so-negligently-bestowed
Galora Galorae Evil Galora the-devil-you-know
Galora Kreel Bridgerton milk-for-gall
Galora, Most High Priestess of Aphrodite Galorae amazing-grace
Galora's Memory of Ambrose Silvermoon all-his-gracious-parts
Gravalyn the Red Raikoth savage-wars-of-peace
Gwaine what-a-ride
Hakim Church cup-of-kindness
Hermian Diaspora Church where-two-or-three-are-gathered
Imaginary Voice of Galora Galorae under-your-skin
Iomedae Raikoth someone-has-to
Kalyaskuantorax Raikoth stars-will-belong-to-us
Kathani Sharma Bridgerton half-sick-of-shadows
Khemez, Most High Priest of Moradin Church wealth-of-nations
Lady Sheera Valynrest as-we-have-done-before
Lady Whistledown Bridgerton a-little-bird-told-me
Lapidir no-such-feeling
Lord Kreel Altgrove serve-your-captives'-need
Mansur, Jewel of the Desert civilisation-was-not-a-mistake
Meena blot out this judgement
Minariel Raikoth intermitted-vengeance
Moradin Gods gains-from-trade
Mortkyntalos Raikoth Mordecai quest-complete Sir Nigel Hawthorne
Myre, Most High Priestess of Pelor Church sun-climbs-slow
Mystra Gods all-time-and-space
Not Obsidian cause-to-delight
Nythera, the Dream Raikoth better-than-you
Ophel, Most High Priest of Pelor Church cannot-replace
Pelor Gods above-all-thrones
Philandriel Altgrove fairest-of-all
Qadib, City of Wands dream-too-deep
Queen Jaral Bridgerton good-to-be-queen
Raikoth Raikoth great-days-cease
Raikoth Raikoth soul-by-soul-and-silently
Shoab Malik only-sane-man
Sigor Altgrove
Silvermoon Academy of Wizardry Silvermoon wisdom-of-the-ancients
Soraya Al Qadim obedience-broke-the-sky
Talen ugh-let-me-do-it
Taralda Silvermoon eyebrow-raising
Tessa Chamorith Silvermoon mirror's-magic-sights
The Church Church brighter-than-today
The Elvenqueen, Eslantayë as-the-morning
Tiamat Gods when-on-high
Torbjald Silvermoon pleasure-pain-and-fire
Victor turn-it-off
Violet Bridgerton Bridgerton loved-and-lost
Voltur Valynrest compromise-with-sin
Voltur Valynrest fond-of-grief
Voltur Valynrest struggle-naught-availeth
Yovatu Desert these-desolate-abodes