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Template: Ahrotahn

OC adventure game protagonist, originally from Myst Online: Uru Live.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ahrotahn calledtoventure Myst Online: Uru Live
Lanli co Manci calledtoventure
Lennah Sorlucia Lennah folded-pathfinder Alice Braga Datemate Dungeon
Tegan Fallahal Tegan constraints-breed-creativity Alice Braga Hearth
Template: Corgi
[...] who despair at freedom[...] who must have order, belonging, structure and obedience, who yearn for the comfort of unquestioned authority.
[...] the role of an object [...] safety in subjugation.

  1. a slightly mangled abbreviation of corrigibility

  2. a type of dog; a creature whose loyalty is all emotion and no theory
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
13f0 bossa-nova Mod's Protogen Creator Reset Day / Undefined Behavior
⬡-Drone #5104
Lydia Sawyer never-let-me-go
Lydia Sawyer pressure-down-below
Template: Kat

An honest troll.

She's neither deceptive nor cruel... but she will go considerably out of her way to fuck with you. Her sense of humor tends toward the double take, the subtly absurd.

Her aesthetic tastes run to the labyrinthine and baroque, unnecessary complexity that almost passes for necessary. Not that she would ever let that interfere with her work, of course. She has standards.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sunny Laverne itscomplicated Willa Holland Hearth
Template: Lilith

Tends to make big dramatic decisions that she almost immediately comes to regret.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Clovis Schaeffer Lucifer to-wage-war Charlie Hunnam Datemate Dungeon
Lilith Crow nevertaintme Alison Mosshart
Template: Mother Starlight

NPC. Runs and/or constitutes a wide-ranging communications network; strongly favors a neutral and nonaggressive stance in the interests of not inciting ruling powers into censoring access to her, but is very serious about defending her network against threats. The template prefers to instantiate as a goddess.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amatsira riverwinds Arabek
Esther Datemate Dungeon
Mother Starlight between-the-stars Fanpro #1450
Template: Rarity

Originally from MLP:FIM. A social climber with an embarrassingly socially-lower-class background and an overtaxed loyalty to her younger sister who has absolutely no sense of decorum.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Cheryl Cutter strictlyspoken Emilia Clarke Hearth
Proserpina Incitatus uncommoner-obligation Emilia Clarke
Template: Rosemary
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mary Aurosalis garden-in-my-room Kelly Reilly Hearth
Salvia Fasciculata, Second Bloom i-promise-you human domestication guide
No Template
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alvin Clement ("Doc Lemon") Time Winters Hearth
Atrus blueflowers Rand Miller Myst
Blatant Schmuck Bait bide-the-danger
Jeff Zandi knowstheroad Myst
Katran taytahn Sheila Goold Myst
Nisa Kefni blackoutlandish Alexandra Snake Amenta
Otogame ec411 Erogame
Pelf Pelf
Setting – Eromage hieros-gamos Erogame
Silver Kiss blessing-of-subjugation
Sonataverse bestlack-worstfull
World DM1 Divine Mandate