TheBiggerFish's Characters | ||||||
Template: Adventurer Central | ||||||
Various (primarily, but not solely, Golarionite) organizations and people I can't reliably fit under a template known to me. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Alfred Blake | manners-maketh | |||||
(Lastwall) Order of Supernal Intervention | god-bothered | Golarion | ||||
(Lastwall) Order of the Abacus | weighed-against-a-feather | Golarion | ||||
(Lastwall) Order of the Pennon | on-horse--of-course | Golarion | ||||
(Lastwall) Order of the Shieldwall | breaking-waves | Golarion | ||||
Lastwall Rangers | strictest-disorder-of-operations | Golarion | ||||
Ranger-Marshall Morris Surefoot | we-all-die-alone | |||||
Ser Mattan Hyas, Regent of Barony Roisen | duty-of-care | |||||
Tiffany "Bonnie" Brightblade | deontological-utilitarianism | Golarion | ||||
Template: Azerosa, Realm of Romance | ||||||
Miscellaneous world stuff for [REDACTED]'s Villarosa/Azeroth hybrid. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Azerosa, Realm of Romance | has-its-thorns | |||||
The Duchy of Thorn | rose's-briars | Azerosa | ||||
The Kingdom of Villarosa | romantic-notions | |||||
The World of Azerosa | world-of-wonders | |||||
Villarosa Worldbuilding Dept. | what-dreams-may-come | Villarosa-Creation | ||||
Template: Clara Cneph | ||||||
Artistic, friendly, and a dreamer of better worlds, Clara Cneph is often found in socialite roles - but don't let that fool you; even though she wants to befriend everyone, she's still part cat, and her claws are sharp. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Ciara Ravensdaughter | as-the-crow-flies | Pins and Needles | ||||
Ciara Volare | fly-free-with-me | Golarion | ||||
Kalara Sunaph | to-etch-in-stone | Golarion | ||||
Sandiya Carmine | thief-of-crimes | |||||
Shelyn, Goddess of Art, Love, and Beauty | you-need-a-friend | Golarion | ||||
The Order of the Foundation of Aroden's Dream | sic-transit-vulnus-mundi | |||||
Zahra Bellevoix | art-begat-the-artist | Golarion | ||||
Template: Diana Pallas | ||||||
Most commonly a paladin, Diana Pallas is fierce, but she tempers those burning fires with compassion. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Argent Mageblade Diana Pallas | you-have-my-sword | Azeroth | ||||
Diana Ophelia Pallas, Jedi Knight | Diana Ophidian | and-cast-your-shadow | Star Wars | |||
Diana Pallas | Knight of Void | do-no-harm-take-no-shit | Divided Theory | |||
Diana Pallas, Hearth-Knight of Court Vaudelle | attacking-the-darkness | Pins and Needles | ||||
Diana Pallas, Knight Peregrine | willformed-blade | Witch Awakening | ||||
Diana Pallas-Smith | these-bleeding-edges | |||||
Indigo Lantern Diana Pallas | and-bleed-your-own-heart | Young Justice, Star Wars | ||||
Indigo Lantern Diana Pallas | the-sharpest-knife-is-kindness | Young Justice | ||||
Magical Girl Diana Adelene Vitalis | negentropic-girl | Puella Magi Madoka Magica | ||||
Red Lantern Diana Pallas | blood-red-beacon | Young Justice | ||||
The Church of Iomedae | her-brilliant-shining-sword | Golarion | ||||
Watch Commander Diana Pallas | hold-this-bright-line | Golarion | ||||
Template: Hogwarts-et-al. Supporting Characters | ||||||
Bucket for miscellaneous Hogwartsery. May also contain castles, graveyards, etc.. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Corvidae | pretty-birds | |||||
Severus's Family | love-is-not | |||||
Template: Les Millefeuilles | ||||||
Template for organization of various cover identities in the Spanner in the Works continuity, and possibly other spy shit. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Patrice Clairemont | layers-upon-layers | Spanner in the Works | ||||
Template: Meta | ||||||
The template for those whose instantiations resemble my template listing page. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Annabel Lee | by-the-sea | Soulfire | ||||
"Mira Grant" | hello-my-name-isn't | |||||
Template: Misc. Star Wars | ||||||
This is just an administrative bucket; characters will not have coherent thematics. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
C3PO | gold-tongue | Star Wars | ||||
R4-M27 | beep-boop-zoom-zoom | Star Wars | ||||
Template: Ophelia Mondegreen-Vaudelle | ||||||
Ophelia is the epitome of dark-but-not-evil; powers tenebrous and dread are her bread and butter, but she uses them for good, rather than ill. Elegant and eloquent; good at spinning words. Also sometimes comes in "mom friend?" variants. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
A Spark of Genius | now-playing | Girl Genius | ||||
Ciara "Sia" Beraen | to-the-bones | |||||
Consequences | coming-around | |||||
Darth Chataris | Ophelia Vaudelle | forceful-whispers | Star Wars | |||
Esmerelda Ophelia Wayne | with-great-power | |||||
Fatebinder-Errant Ophelia Vaudelle | under-my-aegis | Tyranny | ||||
Fatebinder Ophelia Vaudelle | no-just-war | Tyranny | ||||
Fatebinder Ophelia Vaudelle | right-of-adjudication | Tyranny | ||||
Her Grace Ophelia Ferrule, Duchess of Thorn | iron-lady | |||||
Lotus Solanum | by-the-roots | human domestication guide | ||||
M3-D3-X | harmacist | Star Wars | ||||
Mme. Ophelia Mondegreen | passionflower | Star Wars | ||||
Nocticula, Demon Lord, Queen of Alushinyrra | total-eclipse-of-the-heart | Golarion | ||||
Nocticula's Agents | enticing-prospects | Golarion | ||||
Ophelia Alouetta Verdigris | siren-song | |||||
Ophelia Bellevue | speak-no-evil | |||||
Ophelia Kara'novor | the-stars-my-armor | Star Wars | ||||
Ophelia Mondegreen | Serpentine Enchantress | oft-evil-mar | ||||
Ophelia Mondegreen, the Lady In The Shadows | subvert-your-expectations | Spanner in the Works | ||||
Ophelia Prince | stopper-death | Hogwarts | ||||
Ophelia Vaudelle, Rose Prince | let-your-power-shine | Pins and Needles | ||||
Ophelia Vivendura | Living Armor | she-suits-you | Tentacle Realm | |||
"Uzumaki Naruto" | vixen-tsuki | |||||
Template: PMMMMisc. | ||||||
I am not going to run a Kyuubey in my brain. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Incubator Kyuubey | you-didn't-ask | Puella Magi Madoka Magica | ||||
Template: [REDACTED] | ||||||
A thinker, of a sort; she's prone to asking *all* the questions, making off with any cool stuff that's not nailed down and some that very much is, and doing !!SCIENCE!! to things. Likely originally from Earth, or otherwise with a keen eye for plot and science. She's also very reticent to share personal details. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Alice Delvar | what-the-fuck | |||||
Alicia Mondegreen | postmodern-prometheus | Girl Genius | ||||
Alicia Q. Murdoch, Esq. | matters-for-the-starfish | |||||
Alicia Sophia Nye | not-the-science-GUY | |||||
Amora Vincit | bound-to-love-you | |||||
Constant Iteration of Self | 403-FORBIDDEN | |||||
Emily Dorcas | sufficiently-analyzed | Pins and Needles | ||||
Genevieve "Vive" Costanza | their-dreams-still-spoken | |||||
Her Highness Alicia Thorn of Vaudelle, Heiress-Apparent | the-weight-of-creation | Villarosa | ||||
Kina Skywalker | gets-everywhere | Star Wars | ||||
Lucida Stella Nova | one-small-step | |||||
Maria Hill | echo-echo-echo-echo | Anemonomastics | ||||
Mira Strandee | replicate-iterate-innovate | |||||
Mnemosyne Varia Obscura | on-the-edge | |||||
Myria LeJean | magical-realm-exploration-corps | Tentacle Realm | ||||
Runecrafter Hali Northwind | etch-a-sketch | |||||
The Misplaced Patron | i've-been-everywhere | Milliways | ||||
Thoughtful Student | can-we-fix-it | Fountain, Endless Adventure | ||||
Template: Sylvia Steele-Durant | ||||||
The woman who has skin of steel, she who endures: Sylvia Durant, Sylvia Durand, or Sylvia Steele is, in RPG terms, the tank. She takes the hits so others don't have to. She has a secondary facility with machines, but mostly in the application of leverage. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Sylvia Diana Pallas-Steele | brightly-burnished-blade | |||||
Sylvia Durant, Knight of Court Vaudelle | broken-but-unbowed | Pins and Needles | ||||
Sylvia Steele | ceaseless-engine's-march | Spanner in the Works | ||||
The Goddess Iomedae | to-bear-the-breaking-strain | Golarion | ||||
Template: Three-Sided Coin | ||||||
A specific bucket for characters that are or are part of a subset of the triad of Diana, Ophelia, and [REDACTED] acting in concert, because that is something that merits top-level distinguishing from the bucket for "characters that are all of my templates shoved in a blender". These ones are a lot more prone to decisive action and cutting insight. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
A High-School Student | rules-as-written | |||||
Alex Marche | advancing-sufficiently | |||||
Darth Kalbetis | Ophelia Vaudelle | by-other-means | Star Wars | |||
Diana Alicia Vaudelle | william-tell-overdrive | |||||
L5-C3 | [REDACTED] | matters-of-protocol | Star Wars | |||
Metis Aderiel | [REDACTED] | brighter-than-lightning | ||||
Ophelia Aderiel | Ophelia | minding-your-business | valdemar | |||
Taylor Hebert | finally-working-together | |||||
Thousand-Mirror Diamant Reflections | [redacted]-Primary | she-was-right | ||||
Thousand-Mirror Opal's-Fire | Ophelia-Primary | she-was-left | ||||
Template: Violet | ||||||
The #1 softest girl. Quiet, shy, not prone to adventures. Still excitable, if she's in the right sort of mood, but more likely to cheerlead than be out in front. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Vee | small-mercies | |||||
Violet Anléthe Mondegreen-Roisen | Violet | blooming-in-memory | ||||
Violetta Mondegreen | gleam-and-grow | Pins and Needles | ||||
Violet "Vi" d'Reinafleur | coral-slime | Witch Awakening |