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TheBiggerFish's NPCs
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Estelle Rosa With both Triumph and Hardship
Freedom, the Voice of Avistan Glory, glory, hallelujah
Fynn'che Ries nature, nurture, heaven and home what-we-do Star Wars
Kardesi Khotar nature, nurture, heaven and home force-ex-machina Star Wars
Khorus Jayn nature, nurture, heaven and home jayn--khorus-jayn Star Wars
Kypora Bani nature, nurture, heaven and home do-no-harm Star Wars
Lord Tuscias king-of-nothing
Nesbitt Karmin nature, nurture, heaven and home too-old-for-this Star Wars
Van'ess Chion nature, nurture, heaven and home attack-the-darkness Star Wars