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ALFONSO'S ARMS AND ARMOR This message brought to you by This message brought to you by Golarion, PS Glowlarion
Avo Worstie Worstblueintheworld Anonymous stock image or AI Amenta
Historical Documents the-right-side-of-history
Joana Pagès through-humble-service
Lady Vindença, Chosen of Asmodeus the-lords-annointed Sofonisba Anguissola
Nethys deus-narrationis-commodum Golarion
Orgull, Chosen of Asmodeus The-strong-do-what-they-can Misc. baroque art PS Glowlarion, Golarion
Orgull Rebutjat de Belde blessed-are-the-meek Misc. baroque art PS Glowlarion, Golarion
Otolmens desine-omnia-frangere Golarion
Reverend Sergi power-is-power PS Glowlarion, Golarion
Westcrown Golarion