Magister Aria's Characters
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Template: Briar

Street kid, or closest thing to one. Loves plants.

Template: Crane

Academic snob. More than a bit classist. Pitches in where it counts,

Template: Daja

Racial minority. Lesbian. Family disapproves of desired career.

Template: Frostpine

Smith, works with every metal he can.

Template: Kel

Fights for justice. Protects people.

Template: Lark

Performer. Usually asthmatic. Is not ashamed of who she is.

Template: Niko

Seer, classically trained if such exists. Has some disagreements with current academic consensus.

Template: Rosethorn

Grumpy bisexual gardener. Name fits, because she chose it.

Template: Sandry

Noble or else rich enough to count. Traveled as a kid. Dead parents and a dead caregiver.

Template: The World Around Them

All life has magic, even if it is only the magic of life.

Template: Tris

Loves storms. Parents thought she was cursed. So did everyone else.

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