nandwich's Characters
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Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abadar Korvosan NPCs God of Walls and Ditches
Altronus Korvosan PCs my-numbers-are-bigger
Archbanker Darb Tuttle Korvosan NPCs splendid old turtle
Archbishop Ornher Reebs Korvosan NPCs he-will-orn-your-reebs
Asmodeus, Lord of the Pit Asmodeus you play a pretty good fiddle, boy
Bishop Keppira d'Bear Korvosan NPCs Gray Bishop
Command Undead Korvosan NPCs
Control Undead Korvosan NPCs
Eodred Arabasti Korvosan NPCs Stirge King
Field Marshall Cressida Kroft Korvosan NPCs dreadfully-busy
Field Marshall Cressida Kroft Korvosan NPCs i-schedule-all-my-emails
Geb Korvosan NPCs Heck boy, ain't it grand?
Glorio Arkona Korvosan NPCs having a Good time
Hasagi Choryon Korvosan PCs first-through-the-door
Headmaster Toff Ornelos Korvosan NPCs burn-it-all-down
Hell Asmodeus the-other-people
Jacqueline "Owl" Somer Owl most people are lurkers
Jacqueline Somer Owl riding-out-the-clock
Julaei Cangi Korvosan NPCs Dean-of-Abjuration
Korvosa Korvosan NPCs little-Cheliax
Lord Toff Ornelos Korvosan NPCs Head of House Ornelos, Heir to the Eternal Lord
Lyvina Mayyad Korvosan PCs exponential-wizard
Lyvina Mayyad Korvosan PCs Ragathiel gives his dead simplest battles to his most deeply confused soldiers
Malachai Hanson shoulder-to-the-wheel
Melyia Arkona Korvosan NPCs earthbound evil
Most High Arch Megapope of Korvosa, Primate of Varisia Korvosan PCs beer & pretzels
Nethys Korvosan NPCs you can't imagine what would happen if I did more than watch
Olivia Mallard Helmet candle-in-the-dark
Ooljee Korvosan NPCs Greater-Shadow
Order of the Nail Korvosan NPCs all-laws-are-my-laws
Orianna Delmore Korvosan NPCs wronging-wights-and-wighting-wrongs
Otolmens Korvosan NPCs hold-it-all-together
Pilar Pineda Mythic Hero
Queen Ileosa Arabasti Korvosan NPCs Crown-of-Fangs
Sabina Merrin Korvosan NPCs Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 13
Sabina Merrin Korvosan NPCs too-early-for-regrets
Salgar Irevotnin Korvosan NPCs now-listen-here-you-little-shit
second circle cleric of Gorum Korvosan NPCs what-if-we-weaponize-it
Seneschal Corbastia Lettice Korvosan NPCs assistant-to-the-kitchen-maid-assistant-to-the-chef
Sepedy Gonzales Korvosan NPCs there-the-hell-are-the-guards!
Sepedy Gonzales Korvosan NPCs where-the-hell-are-the-guards?
Shadow Korvosan NPCs challenge-rating-three
Shadow Korvosan NPCs will no one think of the children?
Tavian Gael Korvosan NPCs retired-badass
The Boneyard Korvosan NPCs she-really-hates-undead
The Pathfinder Society Korvosan NPCs legal-for-society-play
The Refuge suspended-in-a-sunbeam
The Sable Company Korvosan NPCs checks-and-balances
These Fucking Guys Korvosan PCs you've-met-their-sort
Togomor Korvosan NPCs too-late-for-a-prayer
Vencarlo Orisini Korvosan NPCs By the gods! It's Blackjack!
Volshyenek Ornelos Korvosan NPCs The Eternal Lord
Watch Sergeant Cressida Kroft Korvosan NPCs drearily-disrated
Westcrown Korvosan NPCs city-of-twilight
who-is-this? Korvosan NPCs