Eruantalon's NPCs
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dermot family My unconquerable soul
Frinnac the Fox
Gerard Sanchez, sortition delegate a proposal for the abolition of halfling slavery [open] Golarion
Golarion The Subtle Snare of Asmodean Games! Golarion
Host of the White Hand in western lands beneath the Sun Arda, Lord of the rings
Jeffrey Roisen
Osbald in western lands beneath the Sun Arda, Lord of the rings
Quickbeam in western lands beneath the Sun Arda, Lord of the rings
Rev. Carl Wright men come and remove the stone; and the next day it is found again where it was
Sveyn in western lands beneath the Sun Arda, Lord of the rings
Treebeard in western lands beneath the Sun Arda, Lord of the rings
Vera Cooper men come and remove the stone; and the next day it is found again where it was