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Jarn's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Kitty Argent a_little_different Jill Wagner
Kiyomizu Hiroko Takega Dove just_move Ayumi Kinoshita
Korbrant volunteering_for Michael Johnston
"Lan" Solanke Stiles live_vicariously Titus Makin Jr.
"Lan" Solanke Stiles the_worst_part Titus Makin Jr.
Laura Hale
Leda March worth_repeating Karla Crome The Magicians
Liam Dunbar here_to_play Dylan Sprayberry Nemeton
Lo Haidan (羅 海澹) Hayden Scholomance
Lucinda Perryweather no_return_policy
Lucrum be_no_one Tyler Posey Cordyceps
Lydia Martin not_yet Holland Roden Nemeton
Lysander fields_medal Eddie Redmayne Partyland
Lysander Orpheus hearing_this_sound Keegan Allen Potential
Malia Tate change_me_back Shelley Hennig Nemeton
Malia Tate thanks_for_invading Shelley Hennig Animorphs
Malvolio Tate blend_in Álvaro Rico The Magicians
Margo Hanson Margo garden_path Summer Bishil The Magicians
Marin 1255 pulling_the_leash Animorphs
Marin Morrell choose_to_destroy Bianca Lawson Objects
Marin Morrell left_an_impression
Marin Pathfinder of Nymet listen_close Bianca Lawson Innangarð
Mason Hewitt doing_some_reading Khylin Rhambo Nemeton
Matsumoto Tomonori (松本 友則) live_in_a_tower Jingi Irie Scholomance
Matt Daehler footage_missing Stephen Sean Ford Handbook