miniBill's Characters
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Template: Charlabu

Good Boy. The Best Boy. Adorable, Neutral Good, and always up for helping people.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Charlabu best-boi Golden retrievers Golarion
Charles Beau may-i-help Chris Hemsworth Nova Lux
Template: Golarion Outsiders
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hand of the Inheritor nei-secoli-fedele Golarion
Iomedae until-it's-done Golarion
Sarenrae burn-your-sins-away Golarion
Template: Makoto
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Makoto fingersnap Ritual of the Familiar
Makoto Evanes Pokémon
Mark Thornwell hallo-spaceboy David Bowie Abyssus
Template: Places
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arrakis pay-your-dew Dune
Città Vecchia as-above-so-below Nova Lux
Milliways al-termine Milliways
Sinslar Academy not-a-prison Ritual of the Familiar
Template: Zana

Sexy, lustful, powerful, protector, feral

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Professor Rosanna with-soul-and-rope Ritual of the Familiar
Sana Chartes beneath-my-dignity Human Aradia Megido Golarion
Sana Chartes love-to-the-world Human Aradia Megido Golarion
Zana the-black-protector Aradia Megido
No Template
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ali raw-power Tilda Swinton Ritual of the Familiar
Duncan Idaho live-by-the-knife Jason Momoa Dune
Lady Jessica always-the-bridesmaid Rebecca Ferguson Dune
Leonardo with-arms-unfolding
Liet-Kynes the-water-below Dune
Malkita e-pluribus David Bowie Ritual of the Familiar
Mutius big-bad-dragon Mushu Xianxia
Paul Atreides the-path-ahead Timothée Chalamet Dune
Sofia Voltas to-serve-lust Miu Amano Golarion
Usagi bnuuy
Zenobia break-my-chains Golarion