miniBill's Characters | |||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | ||
Ali | raw-power | Tilda Swinton | Ritual of the Familiar | ||||
Arrakis | pay-your-dew | Dune | |||||
Bonnie | eppur-si-muove | Gabriella Pizzolo | Earth-ish | ||||
Charlabu | best-boi | Golden retrievers | Golarion | ||||
Charles Beau | may-i-help | Chris Hemsworth | Nova Lux | ||||
Città Vecchia | as-above-so-below | Nova Lux | |||||
Desna | the-friends-we-made-along-the-way | Golarion | |||||
Duncan Idaho | live-by-the-knife | Jason Momoa | Dune | ||||
Felandriel Morgethai | salagadula-magicabula | Golarion | |||||
Giorgio Gaber | il-signor-g | Giorgio Gaber | |||||
Golarion | the-planet's-name-is-cage | Golarion | |||||
Hand of the Inheritor | nei-secoli-fedele | Golarion | |||||
Iomedae | until-it's-done | Golarion | |||||
Kajanda | what-could-possibly-go-wrong | Timey Whimey Fuckie Wuckie | |||||
Lady Jessica | always-the-bridesmaid | Rebecca Ferguson | Dune | ||||
Lastwall | nonetheless-enduring | Golarion | |||||
Leonardo | with-arms-unfolding | ||||||
Liet-Kynes | the-water-below | Dune | |||||
Makoto | fingersnap | Ritual of the Familiar | |||||
Malkita | e-pluribus | David Bowie | Ritual of the Familiar | ||||
Marcitor Muris | it-has-not-exploded---yet | David Bowie | Golarion | ||||
Mark Thornwell | hallo-spaceboy | David Bowie | Abyssus | ||||
Milliways | al-termine | Milliways | |||||
Mutius | big-bad-dragon | Mushu | Xianxia | ||||
Nethys | the-final-encyclopedia | Golarion | |||||
Otolmens | secure-contain-protect | SCP logo | Golarion | ||||
Paul Atreides | the-path-ahead | Timothée Chalamet | Dune | ||||
Professor Rosanna | with-soul-and-rope | Ritual of the Familiar | |||||
Sana Chartes | beneath-my-dignity | Human Aradia Megido | Golarion | ||||
Sana Chartes | love-to-the-world | Human Aradia Megido | Golarion | ||||
Sana Chartes | per-ignem-et-flammās | Golarion | |||||
Sarenrae | burn-your-sins-away | Golarion | |||||
Selena Holzfeller | just-a-glimmer | Spice and Wolf | |||||
Selena Holzfeller | perfect-as-you-are | Spice and Wolf | |||||
Simone Basalapenta | yolks-are-proteinic | Earth-ish | |||||
Sinslar Academy | not-a-prison | Ritual of the Familiar | |||||
Sofia Voltas | to-serve-lust | Miu Amano | Golarion | ||||
Spice and Wolf | apple-and-grain | Spice and Wolf | |||||
Usagi | bnuuy | ||||||
Zana | the-black-protector | Aradia Megido | |||||
Zenobia | break-my-chains | | Golarion |