lintamande's NPCs
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Aberian Arvanxi, Lord Mayor of Westcrown
Vaneo Arvanxi, Rego Sacero, Westcrown |
Afasi Kennadas, priest of Pharasma
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
a free citizen of Westcrown
Trial of Valia Wain [open] |
A History and Future of Humanity
as blind obedience is ever sought for by power |
Andar of Sadvak
save the children |
Andira Marusek
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Angelu, Knight of Ozem
that which can be destroyed by the truth |
an irritated inevitable
seeking advice |
don't worry, trust Her Majesty |
anonymous delegate
a proposal for the abolition of halfling slavery [open] |
Antis of Chelam
Assuredly True And Not At All Defamatory Facts Concerning Carlota Chelam of Chelamland |
Arn Klakafos
Charthagnion Manor [open, to the right sort] |
great snake variation |
A skeleton smilodon
great snake variation |
the bad ending |
Baron Tortellis of Sadvak
save the children |
Bernat Cucerill
gaze on our goddess of justice |
Carles-Lluís Rocabruna Puigventós, Duke of Valldaura
if you are only born and bred to it [open] |
Carlota but technically anonymously
Westcrown Gazette, 11 Sarenith |
Cat, absolutely not an Eagle Knight of Andoran
chaotic good |
Claves of Ujue
what a debt of care is owed |
Cleery Candasa, site manager for Gandlun's Mercy Neonatal Hospital
save the children |
confused delegate
A proposal for Law and Order |
Count Solpont
A proposal for Law and Order |
count who can read a script when carlota tells him to
A Proposal To Not Invade Our Neighbors [Closed Overnight, coordinate on Discord] |
Crina Sauer
could likely have been avoided by the expenditure |
Duchess Arodea Carlota Guiomar de Chelam
Noblity: Duchess Arodea Carloa Guiomar de Chelam |
Duchess Serafina Iolanta Guinez-Dekaire Guiomar
as blind obedience is ever sought for by power |
Elected Delegate Martí Balcells
Brief Rules for Orderly Debate [OPEN] |
Enna, wildspeaker of Gol Hill
save the children |
First Arcane Fortuny
fortress chess |
Freedom, the voice of Avistan
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
TRUE SELECTIONS from the Most Holie ACTS OF IOMEDAE, &c. [omake] [open] |
Glorious Reclamation paladins
A Proposal to Ban Slander [open, coordinate on Discord] |
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Grand Councilwoman Neferpatra Ahnkamen
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Guifré Lluis Puigventós e Valldaura, Count of Palnes
if you are only born and bred to it [open] |
guy who can do math but not geopolitics
forest proposals |
guy who is mad about pirates
forest proposals |
guy who is not only not trying it would never occur to him to try
More Proposals on Law and Order [open for internal reactions] |
the evil that men do lives after them |
Her Majesty's Prosecution
taken out later on someone else |
Her Majesty's Prosecutor Eliad Comez-Xarra
The trial of Bernat Vidal-Espinoza [open] |
Her Majesty's Prosecutor Meritxell Canillo
taken out later on someone else |
Her Majesty's Prosecutor Merixtell Canillo
the right to remain silent (is not a thing) |
High Priestess Senhe
the evil that men do lives after them |
Imaginary Matten
the good is often interred with their bones |
Issa of Chelam
the wisdom of the masses |
Josef, priest of Cayden Cailean
when our cause it is just |
Kalves of Nirmas
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Knights of Ozem
what a debt of care is owed |
Lady Ined Amesel Califas de Solpont.
Trial of Valia Wain [open] |
Laurentiu, eternal lord of Ulcazar
the help of heaven we count the act of men |
Liberty, absolutely not an Eagle Knight of Andoran
to the Remarkable and Justifiably Admired Catherine Aspexia So On And So Forth |
Liberty, Eagle Knight of Andoran
when our cause it is just |
Lord Karialus Tinet
the evil that men do lives after them |
Lorthact, Duke of Hell
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Manela, peasant of Gol Hill
save the children |
Mariona of Chelam
noble purposes |
Marit Tenwaller
Charthagnion Manor [open, to the right sort] |
Marta, Eagle Knight of Andoran
when our cause it is just |
the evil that men do lives after them |
the good is often interred with their bones |
Mephistopheles, speaking anonymously with magic just because it's funny
The First Slate of Proposed Laws from the Committee on Magic [OPEN] |
Milani, absolutely not an Eagle Knight of Andoran
to the Remarkable and Justifiably Admired Catherine Aspexia So On And So Forth |
Most High Priestess Aspexia Rugatonn
nor am I out of it |
Ona, smuggler of Vyre
nor am I out of it |
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
Pau-Roger Santcliment
Vaneo Arvanxi, Rego Sacero, Westcrown |
save the children |
Ragathiel, Eagle Knight of Andoran
when our cause it is just |
Random Street Urchin
What is Iomedae's mercy? |
Sarei of Chelam
negotiated agreement |
Savos, peasant farmer
save the children |
Sefistos, cleric of Aroden
the help of heaven we count the act of men |
Silent Monk 24
the good is often interred with their bones |
Sir Alexandre de Luna (Second Alex)
There are no new types of disaster |
Sir Alexios de Luna (Second Alex)
There are no new types of disaster |
Sortition Delegate Mercí of Southfoot
A Swift Update On The Progress Of The Committee On Relations With Those People Kin To The Chelish People [General Session, 3 Sarenith] [Open] |
sortition who is having a bad time
the expression of the general will |
Staff of Chelam
if you are only born and bred to it [open] |
Temos Sevandivasen
a clash of arms to be eternally remembered |
The Chelish Constititional Convention
A proposal for Law and Order |
the people of Westcrown
catechism |
Treason, Eagle Knight of Andoran
when our cause it is just |
Txell of Chelam
Men should be either treated generously or destroyed |
Txell Rocamora
Moderater Action |
Tyiir Jitiri
A lady's imagination is very rapid |
Valia Wain
Religious: Valia Wain |
Wallers, peasant of Gol Hill
save the children |
Trial of Valia Wain [open] |
Westcrown Gazette Editor-in-Chief
Westcrown Gazette, 11 Sarenith |