Tregiah's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Thea Travill Lionheart brave-depths Gal Gadot
Thea Young Double Gal Gadot
The Dragon of the Spires
Theira Karon Violet proud-progress Gal Gadot
Theo Avery Principle the-origin Brant Daugherty
Theo Farron Dash always-changing Brant Daugherty
Theo Garder Nails ever-quicker Brant Daugherty
Theo Hughes Champion practice-makes-perfect Brant Daugherty
Theo Ivers Teeth somehow-different Brant Daugherty
Theo Kavanaugh Wings a-little-change Brant Daugherty
Theo Larson Opal striking-difference Brant Daugherty
Theo Night Inflammo stoke-the-fire Brant Daugherty Sunnyverse
Theo Owens Pull in-the-breeze Brant Daugherty Azurite
Theo Quinn Zephyr slight-breeze Brant Daugherty Potential
Theo Rhodes Sight in-view Brant Daugherty MO
Theo Underwood Thex the-rex Brant Daugherty / Gal Gadot Twilight
Theo Vines Repeater the-plurality Brant Daugherty City of Angles
Theo West Brant Daugherty
Tyler Avery Basis beside-him Brant Daugherty Earth
Tyler Ayers Lutra raised-hairs Ludi Lin Nemeton
Tyler Carver Onyx start-anew Brant Daugherty Panem
Tyler Farron Chase once-removed Brant Daugherty Cardverse
Tyler Rivera Lux Ludi Lin Echelon
Tyler “Tide” Tide agitaqua Ludi Lin Potential
Viaum Meirhun Matthew Goode Proximal