Rockeye's Characters | ||||||
Group: Strike Witches | ||||||
Template: Grendynes | ||||||
Tends to get copying or mimicking magic. Strong Opinions as a kid, gets cynical when grown. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Grandé | fly_ |
Grenadine Nylund | Gren | littlewitch | ||||
Grendal Erlund | greensail | Wind Waker | ||||
Grenda Woods | of_ |
Grendel | ||||||
Grendyne Nyla | ||||||
Grendyne Nylund | Gren | witchwatcher | Claudia Black | |||
Nova Nylund | Nova | burning_ |
Miracle | |||
Samantha Redstone | ||||||
Ungrouped Characters | ||||||
Template: Abyssia | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Abyssia | out-of-the-way | |||||
Abyssia | ||||||
Abyssina | ||||||
Bettrys Hughes | ~Abyssal~Bride~ | |||||
Bysellia | ||||||
Erebys | ||||||
Template: Benjamin | ||||||
Terry's older brother. Football player, law student, general jerkface. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Abyssal Fist Warden | ||||||
Benjamin Anderson | ||||||
Benjamin Greens | Alexander Koch | |||||
Template: Changeling | ||||||
Someone who likes to be different personalities, different shapes. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Changeling | ||||||
Varia | suck_ |
Template: Exodus Crew | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Bass, Driver | ||||||
Lucy Carver, Navigator | ||||||
Mary Hersch, Security | ||||||
Shen Takagi, Co-Pilot | ||||||
Template: Kent Tower | ||||||
Animal rights activist. Talks to animals when magic. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Kent Tower | Pawprint | creature_ |
Anoop Desai | Soulfire | ||
Template: Kronos | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Joe 'Kronos' Smitty | ||||||
Kevin Astley | ||||||
Template: Link | ||||||
The Hero of Legend from the Zelda series of games came to life one day in Rockeye's mind, and alted from there. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
L-1 N // Lynne | ||||||
Laura Grover | sexy_ |
Erogame | ||||
Laura Rossi | Fabulous | |||||
Lenora Ejer | eagle_ |
Lenora Lovejoy | Bright-Eyed Gunner | brightguns | Sunless Skies | |||
Lenora Mackinson | ||||||
Lenora Mecklen | im-NOT-cute | Witch Awakening | ||||
Lenora Wilson | ||||||
Liama Lightheart | ||||||
Liane Hunter | frostscout | Frostpunk | ||||
Link | hero_ |
Hyrule | ||||
Lisan Cloudrider | Cloudbank | |||||
Lisara of Forwyd | ||||||
Selene "Windfury" Cortez | windfury | Analeigh Tipton | Soulfire | |||
Template: Misc | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Architect of Vaults | Tileworld | |||||
Enat | ||||||
Ghost | ||||||
Mugunghwa AIs | ||||||
The Breath of the Wild | ||||||
The Dragon of the Spires | Tileworld | |||||
Various Pokemon | ||||||
William Bertrom | bugsy | |||||
Wind Waker Characters | Wind Waker | |||||
Zoe The Star Kid | cosmic_ |
Template: *Mute | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
//Reformed *Mute | ||||||
//Traditional *Mute | Mugunghwa | |||||
//Young *Mute | Mugunghwa | |||||
Template: Nick Streiss | ||||||
Rockeye's first character. Snarky snark merchant. Selfish with a heart of gold. A bit of a self-reflection on the author's part. A loner. Tends to own a ship, where applicable. Highly irritated by lack of freedom, privacy, or mental sanctity. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Air Captain Nick | through-rain-and-hail | Soulfire | ||||
Anik Sovan | ||||||
Anin Solota | ||||||
Binder Nico | ||||||
Nemo Eastwind | a_ |
Nican | ||||||
Nicholas Barges | Fallout | |||||
Nicholas Batello | ||||||
Nicholas Carpenter | ||||||
Nicholas Davis | ||||||
Nicholas Pelignore | amicable_ |
Sunless Skies | ||||
Nicholas Smith | brutally_ |
Miracle | ||||
Nicholas Vashka | drop-in-shop | |||||
Nicholas Vauners | cloudwanderer | |||||
Nick | floatingalone | Cloudbank | ||||
Nick | fly-fly-away | |||||
Nick Anderson | barter_ |
After The End | ||||
Nick Granmill | my_ |
Nick Smith | aerohead | |||||
Nick Tucker | grind-wheels | |||||
Nicodemus Fain | afar-wanderer | |||||
Nikolas Roth | ||||||
Nikolas Vanneuman | ||||||
Nils | tilehopper | Michael Huisman | Tileworld | |||
Rennick Vaulter | ||||||
Shao Nin | ||||||
Template: Steel | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Dark Lady Black Iron | darkandcold | |||||
Jacqueline Blucher | foundations_ |
Janet Cepaz | ||||||
Jean Colbert | stoneweaver | Miracle | ||||
Karakan Stoneheart | ||||||
Mountain | Mountain | willnotbreakme | ||||
Old Wardess | ever-and-ever | Soulfire | ||||
sturdycoldsteel | sturdycoldsteel | |||||
Titanium Steel | the-forge | |||||
Template: Tara | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Tara Ivens | patch_ |
Courtney Cox | Soulfire | |||
Template: Terence | ||||||
Terence comes in adult and teenager. Teenagers are pretty awkward. Adults are quietly confident. Both are very nerdy, most particularly about computers and electronics. If they get magic, they tend to do science to it. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Teddy Anderson | hidden_ |
Teddy Clemson | hidden_ |
Teddy Greens | spread_ |
Terel Kaland | Terry | go_ |
Tileworld | |||
Terence Anderson | ||||||
Terence Carver | steamhead | Cloudbank | ||||
Terence Johnson | digital_ |
After The End | ||||
Terence Miller | Terry | shieldmaker | ||||
Terence Mills | magictechsupport | MTU | ||||
Terry Miller | cardnerd | |||||
Terry Smith | mind_ |
Eclipse | ||||
Theodore Ambrosius Martelli | delve_ |
Theodore Bolard | ||||||
Theodore Carver | steamkid | |||||
Theodore Malkin | ||||||
Theodore Wilkins | netlink | |||||
Theresa Clemson | ||||||
Template: Various dragons | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Allmother | ||||||
Bloom | allthecolors | |||||
(Child of Goldfeather) | ||||||
Circus | ||||||
Darktooth | ||||||
Guardian of the Green | all-that-lives | |||||
Hatchling | ||||||
Ice | ||||||
Ink | flowandfill | |||||
Partition | ||||||
River | endtoend | |||||
Stonesplitter | ||||||
Sunwind | ||||||
The Seeker | newtruth | |||||
Warden | ||||||
Wire | watchthis | |||||
Template: Walta | ||||||
Waltas tend to grow up in unfortunate circumstances. They like to tinker. They sometimes to fall into criminality, but tend to try and help the most unfortunate and looked-down-upon people as well. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Erwelta Statshim | Floater | glass_ |
Gerwalta Scharnhorst | Walta | electromech_ |
Annalise Basso | Westerfeld's Leviathan | ||
Hessia Winters | life-is-tapestry | |||||
W-117 | branch_ |
Walta Hindenset | motorhead | |||||
Waltana Hampson | miss_ |
Wormverse | ||||
Waltana Luxiim | ||||||
Waltana Seragil | mecharcanist | |||||
Walta "Sharp" Stormholt | Scales | scaling-heights | ||||
Wanda Wagner | impulsive_ |
valkyrie core | ||||
Weiss Faron | red-dream | |||||
Wendy Kenson | cant-touch-this | Guideverse | ||||
Wendy Kholer | knife&spark | |||||
Wendy Tanner | synthekinesis | Eclipse | ||||
Wendy Wesson | ||||||
Wen Huli | ||||||
Wren Cooper | ||||||
Wynn | press-f-to-smite | |||||
Wynn Wagner | gib-ears-and-tail | |||||
No Template | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
allforthehive | allforthehive | |||||
Amber, the Far Seeker | treasure-and-glory | |||||
Ankle Biter | ||||||
Arcadia | ||||||
Artona I | ||||||
Artona III | ||||||
Audron | ||||||
Bar | ||||||
Barnaby | slow-and-steady | |||||
Bastion's Trail | Bastion's Trail | |||||
Being X | ||||||
Brandon Greens | Adam Baldwin | |||||
Buck | eager-deer | |||||
Caras | Soul Consuming Carapace Shadows | |||||
characterquarry | characterquarry | |||||
Chelska | one-for-all | |||||
Chris Anthem | ||||||
Claire Greens | ||||||
Conduit Worlds | ||||||
Copyfox | ||||||
Crash | ||||||
Croaks in Sweet Waters | lazy-frog | |||||
Daniel Montero, Doctor | ||||||
Dolorus | burning-metal | |||||
Draak | ||||||
Eirwynne Sandrel | ||||||
Ektar Martel | ||||||
Elanor Chavel | sparky | |||||
Elizabeth Kiers | Amelia Rose Blaire | Rockeye's Isekai | ||||
Elyssa | sufficiently-advanced | |||||
Erius, the Bird | ||||||
Ermol Gal-Fair | ||||||
Estrella, a Badger | ||||||
Fallout Robots | ||||||
Farah | ||||||
Fiadh Cuiligh | ||||||
Frolics of the Lunar Bunny | ||||||
Frostpunk | ||||||
Galasa, the Comet | ||||||
Gale Rocks Citizens | ||||||
Gravity Maven | ||||||
Heaven | ||||||
Hekosi, the Eclipse | ||||||
Imps (Various) | ||||||
Iolana | ||||||
Isekai | ||||||
Isekai Angel | ||||||
J. Justice | Witch Awakening | |||||
Jo | After The End | |||||
Kaiva | striker | |||||
Kanna Dipolous | ||||||
Katherine Cromwell | Frostpunk | |||||
Keole | fight-me | |||||
Khintal | vast-systems | |||||
Krisana Caivet | gather_ |
Jennifer Rhodes | ||||
Larian | don't-bother | halves | ||||
Lightning | that-tingling-feeling | |||||
"Lilith" | ||||||
Lilith Cosplayer | ||||||
Lowlanders | ||||||
Lucian | ||||||
Mala | ||||||
Mischief | nobody | |||||
Misc. Kitsunes | ||||||
Mori | ||||||
Myra | cake-or-sex | |||||
Nature Spirits | ||||||
Nethys | ||||||
neuroihive | neuroihive | |||||
Nina Gorman, Maintenance | ||||||
Norman Smithson | ||||||
Onbu | ||||||
Otena, the Aurora | ||||||
Pharah DeVoult | ||||||
Pharasma | ||||||
Phoenix Co | onward-upward | |||||
Phoenix Reincarnations Incorporated | ||||||
Planet | ||||||
PLASMATIC! | behold-my-stuff | |||||
Prince Sidon | ||||||
Puchuu | ||||||
Radiant | ||||||
Ragni, the Sun | ||||||
Remote Site | ||||||
Rilah Redstone | Amy Bailey | |||||
Rilah Rockefeller | ||||||
Rubèn Oriol | ||||||
Ruins | ||||||
Sahgar | bait_ |
Hari Empire | ||||
Samara Glory | ||||||
Sandra Smith | ghost | |||||
Sasha and Rory | ||||||
Scout Team Mothwing | ||||||
Sinnah | magic-stamp | |||||
smallgod | smallgod | |||||
Smol Changeling | ||||||
Sunny Longstride | getsometail | |||||
Sunny Summers | ||||||
System | ||||||
Tamamo, the Fox | edge-of-reality | |||||
Tanno | genetic-dissonance | |||||
Tanya Degurechaff | imperial-march | |||||
Tanya Falstaff | white-and-gold | |||||
Temerity | ||||||
Thander | ||||||
The Celestial Bureaucracy | ||||||
The Delvers | ||||||
The Great Green | ||||||
The Indurate Veteran | Sunless Skies | |||||
Theo | ||||||
The People | ||||||
The Runes | ||||||
The Silent World | ||||||
The Sunless Skies | ||||||
The Tentacle Realm | ||||||
The World of Tirra | ||||||
Trash Urchins | ||||||
Trevor | cleansing-fire | |||||
Truck-Kun | special-delivery | |||||
UNSS Exodus | ||||||
Varrin | ||||||
Vimire | vimire_ |
Vixen | clever-fox | |||||
Weeping Willow | off_ |
White and Blue | not-your-dad | |||||
Wren | ||||||
Yiga Clan Member | ||||||
Yvonne |