teceler's NPCs
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
a mysterious dog the ghosts we whisper of
Candace the ghosts we whisper of Ace Attorney, Wyld
Clay Terran we are now alone, without our homes
Daisy the ghosts we whisper of Ace Attorney, Wyld
Ema Skye if there is a summer scientific-analysis Ace Attorney
Jeff the ghosts we whisper of Ace Attorney, Wyld
Kaidan Alenko do-some-good Mass Effect
Larry Butz a burning bridge sheds the best light Voidsong
Laurel upon a deep ocean Ace Attorney
Liara T'Soni Mass Effect
Maria the ghosts we whisper of
Mariya Estollen learn-and-rebuild Eclipse Phase
Star the ghosts we whisper of Ace Attorney, Wyld
Tobias Gregson all they lost was all they had Heistverse
Van Zieks Manor the ghosts we whisper of
Van Zieks Staff the ghosts we whisper of