Sage/Nemesis's Characters | |||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | ||
Bira D'cis | truthhurts | Vanessa Hudgens | |||||
Blade of the Storm | Stormsinger | song-of-storms | |||||
Blake Caldwell | puppy-love | Froy Gutierrez | |||||
Boa Constrictor | snek | snek | |||||
Bow of the Nomad | Bodiless/Conceptual | ||||||
Braeden Rhys | constancy-under-all | Lindsey Morgan | |||||
Braeden Starr | waste-my-time | Lindsey Morgan | |||||
Brandon Starr | lover's-game | Alexander Vlahos | |||||
Brandon Starr | spice-of-life | Alexander Vlahos | |||||
Brandon Starr | stark-contrast | Alexander Vlahos | |||||
Brandon Starr | to-meet-the-moon | Alexander Vlahos | |||||
Brendan Guerrin | will-not-bow | Alexander Vlahos | |||||
Brynjolf | to-the-pain | Facundo Arana | |||||
Bull | bulls**t | ||||||
Caen Iten | shieldofcialin | Jang Woo Young | |||||
Cain Atten | don't-feed-it | Sebastian Jessen | Lilith | ||||
Cain Cassidy | at-your-feet | Francisco Lachowski | Stormcell | ||||
Caine Atten | dog-whistle | Jang Woo Young | StrangerVille | ||||
Caine Atten | lightning-cutter | Lucky Blue Smith | Titan Fleet | ||||
Caine Atten | underdog | Lucky Blue Smith | WTFMagic | ||||
Caine Atten-Cash | not-a-cat-person | Lucky Blue Smith | Scholomance | ||||
Caine Atten-Cash | tongue-of-dog | Lucky Blue Smith | High Mage | ||||
Caine Cash | puppy-dog-tails | Kare Hedebrant | |||||
Caine Kilrain | right-from-wrong | Lucky Blue Smith | Mass Effect, Catalyst | ||||
Camilla Nessasdottir | Wild | heavenly-argosy | Elle Fanning | Alagaƫsia | |||