Sage/Nemesis's Characters | |||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | ||
Alexander John Morcant | the-quiet-sun | Jeremy Sumpter | |||||
Alexander Lucas Morcant | meant-to-be | Jeremy Sumpter | |||||
Alexander Lucas Morcant | Alex | passionflower | Jeremy Sumpter | ||||
Alexander Lucas Morcant | Ichigo | purest-part | Jeremy Sumpter, Will Shadley | ||||
Alexander Montgomery | what've-you-got | Alex Pettyfer | |||||
Alexander Sansregret | trust-my-soul | Kubilay Aka | |||||
Alexander Starr | Xanxus | Alex, Lex | tooth-and-claw | Jeremy Sumpter | |||
Alexandra Aniston | Ilek | as-red-as-red-as-red | Jordana Beatty, Amber Milam | ||||
Alexandre de Bourbon | ciel-et-terre | Kubilay Aka | |||||
Alexandre de Valois | your-heart-forgets | Keanu Reeves | |||||
Alexei Starr | Twin | Alexei Grayward | fire-and-the-flood | Jeremy Sumpter | |||
Alexei Starr | Twin | Alex | not-to-hurt-you | Jeremy Sumpter | Nemeton | ||
Alexei Starr | Twin | Alex | the-terrible-fire | Jeremy Sumpter | Mystic | ||
Alexei Starr | Twin | Alex | wrath-and-ruin | Jeremy Sumpter | Skyfire | ||
Alex Evans | prima-materia | Antonia Gentry | Alicante | ||||
Alex Fray | heavenly-tongue | Jeremy Sumpter | Themis | ||||
Alex Herondale | Jace | super-heron | Alex Meraz | Psych | |||
Alexios Grim | out-of-time | Kubilay Aka | Stardust Trek | ||||
Alex Morcant | bare-my-teeth | Jacob Anderson | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | ||||
Alex Morcant | break-of-dawn | Jeremy Sumpter | Zenith | ||||
Alex Morcant | Ichigo | close-enough-to-fall | Jeremy Sumpter | Refraindre | |||
Alex Morcant | no-dawn-no-day | Jeremy Sumpter | Midnight | ||||
Alex Morcant | nothing-to-me | Jeremy Sumpter | Refraindre | ||||
Alex Morcant | steady-on-my-knees | Jeremy Sumpter | Psych | ||||
Alex Morcant | the-good-fight | Kristen Stewart | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | ||||