Sage/Nemesis's Characters
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sephiroth highest-holiest Sam Reid
Sephiroth in-human Valery Kovtun
Shaya my-love
Shemi made-for-love Rachel Hurd-Wood
Shera Arming these-bitter-stars Keira Knightley
Shiba Koma E-Young
Shmi Skywalker Prisoner freedom-or-death Rachel Hurd-Wood, Dakota Fanning
Sibyl Quill Sibyl under-the-hill Moon Bloodgood
Sigil blood-rune
Sig Wry-Mouth aware the-arrow-has-left Alex Saxon
Sims this-bra-is-funny-shaped
Sindre I-remain Xavier Samuel
Sinober Areteli Pedro Pascal
Sir Dino impossible-quest Xavier Samuel
Siri Caldurdottir bear-hands Various polar bears
Siri Free-Winter strong-foundation Katie Findlay
Sirius Black worth-dying-for Kazuki Kato
Sir Janys The Lady Knight, Jan go-with-you Renée Mittelstaedt
Sir Zeiphel of Long Lake Zei General, King's Champion, Sir Zeiphel, Lord Zeiphel of Long Lake steady-now Kubilay Aka
Sithis dread-father Lee Dong-Wook
Skyfire will-is-power
Snag | RC-5249 jagged-projection Daniel Logan
Soren Tung good-men-do-nothing Bob Morley
Sorrel Book Henry Evans where-you-ought-to-be Ron Glass
Spear of the Judge