King of Men's NPCs
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abadar Abadar truck-and-barter wrath of the righteous
Areelu Vorlesh Areelu Vorlesh wheels-within-wheels wrath of the righteous
Asmodeus Asmodeus hope-never-comes wrath of the righteous
Assorted Cultists Azure Three Bezants wrath of the righteous
Azata Summoned Azata right-place-right-time
Chief Sull Azure Three Bezants wrath of the righteous
Dyra Dyra come-see-my-wares wrath of the righteous
Ember Ember staying-in-omelas wrath of the righteous
Fiendish Minotaur overly-bullish wrath of the righteous
Fiendish Minotaur Azure Three Bezants wrath of the righteous
Galfrey Queen Galfrey cold-and-godless-days wrath of the righteous
Horgus Gwerm Horgus Gwerm nouveau-riche-peddler wrath of the righteous
Hosilla Hosilla expendable-pawn wrath of the righteous
Hulrun Hulrun only-sane-man wrath of the righteous
Iomedae Iomedae triumph-and-triage wrath of the righteous
Irony Irony not-a-golem wrath of the righteous
Kenabrian Militia Kenabrian Militia not-well-ordered
Minagho Minagho sin-of-smugness wrath of the righteous
Nethys Nethys who-sees-all-things wrath of the righteous
Norgorber Norgorber never-dun-nuffink wrath of the righteous
Osiris plots-spanning-centuries Aiello timeline
Otolmens Otolmens find-the-last-bug wrath of the righteous
Pharasma The Judge judge-not-thats-my-job wrath of the righteous
Powers Outside Creation Powers Outside Creation someone-is-wrong-beyond-the-stars wrath of the righteous
Savamelekh Savamelekh eat-the-flesh wrath of the righteous
Staunton Vhane Staunton Vhane backstory-by-implication wrath of the righteous
Streets of Kenabres Azure Three Bezants wrath of the righteous
Vile Dretch Vile Dretch chemical-warfare-embodiment wrath of the righteous
Wilcer Garms Wilcer Garms at-least-a-third-master wrath of the righteous
Wrath of the Righteous first-playthrough wrath of the righteous