King of Men's Characters
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abramo Aiello merchant-of-venice merchant-of-venice Golarion
Anevia Anevia unbowed-and-unbroken wrath of the righteous
Arueshalae Arueshalae sucks-to-succubus wrath of the righteous
Camellia Camellia thats-not-suspicious wrath of the righteous
Daeran Daeran more-than-ten-teeth wrath of the righteous
Irabeth Tirabade Irabeth half-orc-paladin wrath of the righteous
Lann Lann indirect-quest-setup wrath of the righteous
Nenio Nenio insufficiently-advanced-magic wrath of the righteous
Regill Regill drive-them-hence-with-rods wrath of the righteous
Seelah stand-against-the-night wrath of the righteous
Sosiel Sosiel where-flowers-grow wrath of the righteous
Wenduag Wenduag spider-cat wrath of the righteous
Woljif Woljif thiefling-about-town wrath of the righteous