Template: Bridgerton
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Agatha Danbury cover-your-bruises
Baby Black Dragon nurture-versus-nature
Duke Voltur Young High Society Voltur an-outworn-lie
Edwina Sharma all-perfect-measure
Galora Kreel milk-for-gall
Kathani Sharma half-sick-of-shadows
Lady Whistledown a-little-bird-told-me
Queen Jaral good-to-be-queen
Violet Bridgerton loved-and-lost

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
the ball between adventures 9 by heenal.jas
the great and the good [1 2 3 ... 57 58 59] between adventures 1454 by heenal.jas