Template: Fraddir
All Characters

There is a Huge Crisis. He has a Plan.

Is it a good plan? Well, do you have a better one?

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Fraddam favors-the-bold Archie Renaux Panem
Fraddir i-have-a-plan-yes-really Ben Barnes velgarth
Parrolan Milver you-can-do-for-your-country Oscar Isaac

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused secrets of the past, knowledge of the future [1 2 3 ... 5 6 7] Sandboxes 164 by Rory
Hiatused Has Warnings make sure they remember you may the odds be 23 to 1 introduction 16 by Eruantalon
Hiatused Has Warnings I volunteer as tribute may the odds be 23 to 1 introduction 5 by Eruantalon
Complete Has Warnings Show me how to sing the overture [1 2 3 4] Song of the Hidden Princess 93 by Eruantalon