Template: Eliza
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Daydreamer with an extremely chaotic streak, usually tends to get in over her head by overestimating herself. Often strongly influenced by the people she befriends. Tends towards being empathic and forgiving, with only a few things she considers absolutely unforgivable.

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused sometimes a family is a dark sorceress, her bodyguard, and a mundie with weird taste [english] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 1 by GrayGriffin
Complete Buddhist spaceship [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 101 by root
Complete put our service to the test [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 48 by GrayGriffin
Complete recruiting megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 14 by lintamande
Complete there might be something there megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by GrayGriffin
Complete Induction: Lissa megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by GrayGriffin
Total: 31