Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Molthune Golarion Locations triple-armour-bound Aevylmar
Montserrat Profunda ice-and-steel midjourney v6.1 Vaniver
Mordessa infernum-regnat xylix
M. Untel damnation-on-the-damned Minus
Mythic Power Somewhat Evil Items Murloc
Naima Naima be-granted-glory Golshifteh Farahani apprenticebard
Naima Naima those-who-defy apprenticebard
Naithrope changeling-child Sandra Bullock MaggieoftheOwls
Narcis-Rakha strix-in-irons Paizo strix art. Aevylmar
Natalia Rivera meanwhile in Halmyris QTesseract
Nebetah Alicorn
Nefreti Clepati in-the-eye-of-the-beholder Nichelle Nichols miniBill
Nenio apprenticebard
nervous ex-pamphleteer On the Pruning of Currant-Bushes Arete/Stars
Nethys God of Golarion all-knowing-all-exploding danarmak
Nethys Nethys all-powerful-call Frgm
Nethys a thousand eyes, curse of the wise RationalMoron
Nethys Golarion Outsiders the-final-encyclopedia miniBill
Nethys Golarion up-on-the-premise Evenstar
Nethys Iarwain
Nirvana doorkeepers-of-zion Nemo
Nirvana Golarion For-Everyone QTesseract
Nirvana for-everyone MaggieoftheOwls
Nirvana Golarion Afterlives hear-the-angels-sing Aevylmar
Nirvana public-defender lalaithion