Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Korvosan Watch Incident Report, Korvosa, 14 Neth 4707 QTesseract
Krilla I raised aloft my blessed sword danarmak
Kyonin selva-selvaggia-e-aspra-e-scura miniBill
Lady Eulàlia Avaricia de Seguer tidals a-bad-person lintamande
Lady Maria Acolla di Tivarno Vaniver
Lann Tie yourself in knots so-awesome danarmak
Lann the-mongrel-did-it MaggieoftheOwls
Lann WotR underground-crusader QTesseract
Lann apprenticebard
Lastwall Places nonetheless-enduring miniBill
Lastwall Golarion Locations paladinocracy Aevylmar
Lastwall Golarion Weight-of-the-World QTesseract
(Lastwall) Order of Supernal Intervention Adventurer Central god-bothered TheBiggerFish
(Lastwall) Order of the Abacus Adventurer Central weighed-against-a-feather TheBiggerFish
(Lastwall) Order of the Pennon Adventurer Central on-horse--of-course TheBiggerFish
(Lastwall) Order of the Shieldwall Adventurer Central breaking-waves TheBiggerFish
Lastwall Rangers Adventurer Central strictest-disorder-of-operations TheBiggerFish
Lavinia Wex Lavinia honor-those Tilda Swinton MaggieoftheOwls
League of the Inspiring Cart that is not dead which can eternal lie QTesseract
Leo Parera buy-so-dear valencia_o
Lia Noguera Religious: Lia Noguera [omake] Arete/Stars
Librarian I raised aloft my blessed sword no-knowledge-of-good-and-evil danarmak
Lictor Rouen Stought Golarion Characters order-of-the-pyre Aevylmar
Lídia Teixidor Deepika Padukone nextworldover
Lieutenant Arcturo The power of friendship and this pointy stick QTesseract