An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Smaller is better, they stack but sub linearly. Hundreds per square foot would be super convenient."


"I could do that! I could do what with walls that already exist, too, maybe I should put it on my rotation."


"Might want to check first that adding them doesn't somehow cancel existing ones if you add them in a way that carves over ours or something, but then by all means."


"How should I check that?"


"We could build a small test wall outside."


"Okay!" Science is great.


"I'll have someone set it up."


"Let me know when it's done. Anyway, tentative yes on the diplomacy but I reserve the right to stop if something goes horribly wrong, I wonder if there's any particular reason to care in what order 'inviting the refugees including Andreth to live in my sister's city' and 'diplomacising with Finrod' happens in."


"None comes to mind. Unless you're flying them all a thousand miles moving them will be arduous."


"I can certainly understand why they wouldn't want me to, but I could do it."


"Maybe toss the idea out there the next time you're around, give them some time to get used to it."


"And talk to Andreth, probably. They didn't have any form of shelter when I checked on them last time, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't getting news, and even if I would rather not someone should probably let her know her ex-boyfriend is dead."


"Yeah, we have mechanisms in place for supplying and communicating with all of our refugees but "lift Finrod's people out of Dorthonion at a hundred miles an hour" wasn't in any contingency plans and while we're still pressed militarily I doubt Maedhros has gotten more than a minimal supply convoy organized and over there."


"They have little kids. I'm so, so glad I got them out."


"It's hard to have Men help in the fight without putting their civilians in harm's way. They don't want to be away from their families for years on end either."




"We decided to solve that problem by basically not involving Men in the war. I'm not actually sure, morally, that's the way to go - after all, anything that makes the war more winnable really honestly is worth it. But still."


"I'm reminding myself that telling myself I'm ready before I really am because the war needs to be over is just going to get me killed."


"Yeah. Don't do that. We can easily hold on ten more years."


"I don't know that it won't take me more than ten years to kill Sauron, let alone Morgoth. This is unprecedented."


"We are hoping to also have an army that can at a minimum keep them distracted and off you."


"Yeah. I hate the idea of people dying for me, but--no good options, here."


"We'd be dying for this cause with or without you."


"Feels more personal this way. I'm not saying it's rational."


"Fair enough."

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