An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"There was speculation that Morgoth had or would do something permanent to the sun. I really hope that's not true, I don't think I'd be strong enough to fix that yet."


"He tried centuries ago when it was newly in the sky. She told him to fuck off, as I understand it. The Valar are gonna care about that, if nothing else."


"Oh, good, they're not completely useless."


"Only mostly useless."




"Is your sister causing political drama or just hearing about and enjoying it?"


"The latter. She actually checked to make sure no one was watching and then insisted they continue the conversation in writing, once the other person brought up you-know-what, because she wanted to minimize actual drama if she could."


"I appreciate that."


"It seemed like the thing to do, yeah."


"The thing to do is to ignore politics, they're boring. But enjoying them is at least harmless."


"Well, you're not wrong."

That night Odette tries to reach for the sun and the moon and fails, and in the morning she takes her list and spends the next week or so zooming around accomplishing things on it and doing every bit of petty magic that enters her head and reaching out again to try to touch the sun and moon and failing and intermittently talking to her sister.


And after about a week or so Curufin declares that he's caught up on all the work he missed fighting a war with Celegorm out and he'll talk to Celegorm's new stray who can someday bring the dead back, and Celegorm suggests he not phrase it that way and introduces the two of them.


"Hi, I'm the magic human. Apparently you're going to want to learn the five languages I speak fluently?"


"Can you talk in one of them and project a translation as you go? Then I can do that while we're also discussing the precision of your metal-shaping abilities."


She switches from her still-imperfect Sindarin to Genoshan. "This is the one we spoke the most back home, and the one I mostly spoke before I had enough of your language to be basically understandable."


He nods, sticks with Sindarin: "In your magical flying city? Is the language unique to that land?"


"There are some people who aren't from Genosha who speak Genoshan, but in general, yes, it's the only place where it's the vernacular."


"How did you end up speaking five languages?"


"My parents aren't from Genosha. My father is from Anglia, so he speaks Anglic, and my mother is a Shemeshite from Prussia, so she speaks Hebrew, which is a language associated with the Shemeshite religion, Germanic, which is spoken throughout the German Princedoms, of which Prussia is one, and Ashkenazi, which is a tongue spoken in heavily Shemeshitic communities in the Princedoms, and also Poland and I think some other places. They spoke all these languages to my sister and I as we grew up."


He nods. "It's a beautiful tongue. Celegorm says that you can work with metal, how precisely? If I give you something to copy, how good will the copy be?"


"Thank you. How much have you heard about how my magic works? I just sort of--tell it to. Technically convince it to. If you give me an object and the raw materials to make a copy with it isn't generally hard to instruct the materials to be exactly like the object but there are technically complexity limitations? They usually don't come up."


He pushes a delicate measuring instrument across the table. "This is calibrated so I can do work on the scale of thousandths of inches. Would the limitations arise there?"


"Probably not. I'd have to try it to be sure. The limitations aren't hard-coded into the system, they're based on your personal skill and power level, and I've never tried copying something and then measured it to that level of precision before."


"All right. A suit of armor? Can you duplicate rare and magical materials?"


"There aren't any inherently magical materials at home, so I don't know. Rare works fine, though."

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