An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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So he provides a mental image of a Balrog. Don't make them explode too near my brothers, please.


They explode? I'll be careful, then. She picks the one she can see that's farthest away from any elves and encourages it to do that a little early, as proof of concept.


They're going to hold the Gap. He knows it as soon as he sees the fireball envelop everything near where the Balrog had been. Send her to Dorthonion, hope that Thauron's not in play anywhere on this field? Hold her back, hope that the sister is with Findekáno and that he'll rush straight for Dorthonion -

Once you've taken out all of those you can seewe're going west again, can you land an army where you took the refugees?


How big an army? Probably, but it would probably be better to warn them, I wasn't very careful of those poor refugees, she winces slightly. Another Balrog explodes, this time after a stone wall sprang out of the earth to shield nearby elves from the blast.


Tell me what you can handle and I'll have that many people assembled outside by the time you're done here.


The refugees were...a few thousand? I could do about...a fifth again as many as there were refugees, I think, without a significant reduction in speed from how fast I was carrying them. More stone walls. More exploding balrogs.


All right. We'll be assembled outside shortly, I'll tell you when.


Sure, she says. She should be horrified, she knows, this is a battle, people are dying.

But damn it feels nice that the evil things are just rolling over and dying at her command. Finally, something terrible she can completely fix.


Neatly organized people who are expecting it are, it turns out, easier to carry! She can actually go faster than when she had the refugees.


And they're flying across the countryside. If Morgoth had made his move one week sooner -

We're going straight east once we land. Don't let anything anywhere near Odette.


If we're still going east, why are we landing?


I don't know what we're going into and under circumstances less serious than these my cousin would be unamused at my landing an army in his territory without leave and might in fact have defenses prepared against that.


Makes sense. Which cousin? The one my sister's with?


I have seven cousins, used to have nearly twenty. This is not the one your sister's with, though I imagine if Eithel Sirion isn't hemmed in he'll be trying to do the same thing I'm trying to do.


Noted. Wishful thinking on my part.

Permalink wanted her to be in the kingdom that's not responding to my communications, is under some kind of magical smoke and ash cloud that makes it impossible to see what's going on, and where everyone may already be dead?


If she's there, they're not already dead, she says firmly. Illia's no great mage but she's stubborn as fuck. No, I just wanted to see her in person again.


Once the fighting's over I'm sure that won't be a problem.


Yeah...I probably could have seen her sooner than this but kept prioritizing other things. It's probably best for both of us if I go once the crisis is over.


I suppose that's also a thing of Men - when my twin brothers were living they were inseparable, but after the first century was out that meant 'didn't go a month without each other', not 'didn't go a week'.


Well. We're not a century old, yet. Dammit she is going to bring that man back to life if it is the last thing she does.


And they're there. He'd really like to make contact with Angrod before tearing through the hills, but he's also not going to sit there waiting. One last time - This is Maedhros, we're coming to your assistance -

And this time an answer. Not from Angrod. Maitimo, Sauron's here


Is something wrong?


Tougher fight than I expected, he says lightly, the Enemy must really want my cousins dead. How well do you do when the other side has magic?

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