An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"It doesn't--intellectually--surprise me." She is going to ANNIHILATE him.


He laughs. "You're going to have to not get yourself killed, first."


"I can do that."

And then they are the rest of the way to this human town and maybe she needs to work something better out because teaching people takes time, time she's not doing anything else--she can fix that. Maedhros (what was his real name? She doesn't ask, but it bothers her) was practicing with the rock from the moment he could. She can do little things while she's not doing big ones--her hair can start growing, slowly but faster than naturally--the stitching in her bra can rearrange itself into a perfect embroidery of the nerve system in a human hand--she coaxes a speck of dust inside her shoe to grow up to be a pebble and then cease to exist--every time she thinks of something magic and discreet she can do, she does it. And she heals people and de-ages them, and teaches them, and if she can do something with a little magic or a lot she goes with a lot because damn her habits she needs to be stronger.


He watches and recognizes and tries making dirt rise in puffs on the ground, steadily bigger ones.


That works.

And when they are done in that village she says, "What next?"


"Can you divert and dam a river?"


"Yep. Where?"


He points at the earth below them. "The Gelion, splits Caranthir's territory from Maglor's, I don't actually know what we'll do with a dam in the short term other than control flooding but in the long term we can use it to generate a sort of magic that flows in metal."


"A sort of...oh, the stuff that works with magnets?"


"Your world has it? Curufin thinks it'll be really valuable but the applications aren't military so it's been on the drawing board for a while."


"It's not broadly known, but my sister can do some really clever things with magnets--I suppose she hasn't been prioritizing them at the moment--so she figured it out. If it's more than an oddity of the physical world I'm sure she'll be happy to hear about it."


"Great. This here is the longest section of river with no one living along it. I told the people south of here to expect some flooding today and some supplies and relief afterwards, so if you make a mess no worries."


"Can you osanwe me exactly where the river should go?"


He draws her a mental picture.


She carves a trench in the earth according to the picture and stops up the river where it shouldn't go anymore.


"Thank you. What's your range like?"


"Better than it was a few days ago," she says with a thin-lipped smile. "But still not good enough to get across an ocean. What're you thinking of?"


"It won't change the course of the war or anything, but Angband's in a mountain range and it'd be delightful if those mountains came crumbling down. He will almost certainly retaliate and we'd have to do it from Himring."


"Might take a while, but I don't object."


"Great. Fly straight north."


"Mm-hm." She flies.


It's not a long flight to Himring, not at her speeds. Huan arrives only a minute behind them, and bounds up to Celegorm to lick his face. "All right," he says. "We have Angband besieged from three sides, but we can't stretch supply lines that far north and whenever Morgoth wants to move armies out he just sends them north. You can see it from here now that you have our vision, right?"


"Yes, I can see it."


"We can bring you food and so forth while you work, if that's convenient."


"That would be kind," she says, eyes in the distance, urging the mountaintops to crumble.

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