Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
She - looks at him with a consideration that implies she is very tempted to suggest something presumptuous...
... Then shakes her head ruefully and admits, "I should actually probably head home and get some sleep, I've got work in the morning."
After a moment of consideration, she nods. "Yes, all right. Next week I'm going to be a bit busy, though, I'd probably be too exhausted to be any fun. Sometime the week after?"
"Sounds good. Same place, around the same time? Or... Actually, I suppose it might be more efficient if I invited you to walk me home, and you came by there."
"I suppose it might," he agrees. "If you didn't mind being walked home by someone you met in a park two hours ago."
"As I recall, we started with 'my brother can kill you with a thought.' So watch out, sir," she teases, smiling. "No, I don't mind. Besides," she lowers her voice, "I would kind of like to kiss you and would rather not in the middle of the street."
Her home isn't too far away, but the walk is nice enough. She keeps hold of his arm and smiles at him on the way there.
"This was really nice, I had a lot of fun."
Soon enough, she stops in front of a modest but nice looking house with a thriving garden.
"This would be the aforementioned home," she says, smiling up at him.
"Flatterer," she breathes affectionately, and then she leans up and kisses him.
She'd meant it to be a quick good night kiss, but she went and stood on her toes to reach him. Which of course means that to keep her balance while kissing she needs to stabilize herself on something, and since the only thing remotely available is Sekar, well. Now she's using him for support. This makes it very easy to tangle her hands in his hair and whoops now this is a bit more than a quick good night kiss.
It goes on rather longer than he meant to let it.
(If her brother sees them, it's going to get... awkward. A seventeen-hour self-dedication is the sort of thing the Emperor shows up to; he remembers Zeothe very clearly, and he expects that Zeothe remembers him just as well, though their conversation was brief.)
Eventually he has the presence of mind to break away.
"Well," he says, a little breathless, touching his fingertips to her cheek. "I've had a lovely evening." He makes himself take a small step back, though he can't resist picking up her hand and kissing it. "I look forward to seeing you next Landsday."
"Yeah. All of those things," she sighs, a little dreamily. She recovers herself quickly enough for a rueful smile. "Good night, Sekar."
"Good night, Esvetielle."
And he turns and walks away.
This is an absolutely doomed relationship, even more doomed than the usual. What the fuck does he think he's doing? Her brother knows his face. But - she's so lovely and charming and witty and thoughtful. She sparkles. He wants to make her blush again.
"Oh good, now I can take your place as the good one in the family."
And she can get a hug, because he is a kind brother who wasn't in the middle of anything important anyway.