Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"... Oh, wow, I actually said that out loud, didn't I, um. I mean, I meant it, just. It's a bit more corny than I try to be?"
"I think this is another situation where I might mind a little! I don't want to be - I don't know, straight out of a cheesy discount romance novel."
"But then, where would we be if no one ever complimented each other for fear of sounding trite?"
"Probably in a very sad, lonely world," she admits. "Everyone afraid to give compliments and upset that they'd received none, without ever knowing why."
"What a terrible world. I won't stand for it. You have a lovely smile," he says, gazing fondly across the table at her.
Giggle. "Oh, but I haven't given up yet! Let's see... you have a lovely smile, you're strikingly reasonable, charming, pretty, hilarious... I'm sure I can come up with a new one, let's see... oh, I know - and you're thoughtful and conscious of your effect on the world. There. I think I'm winning this battle," he says, smugly.
... This seems to have made her briefly speechless. That probably means he's winning this battle.
"You're - that's - you're," is all she manages. Is that a blush? That looks like a blush.
"Shush you haven't won, I just need some time to recover," she sniffs, trying not to laugh. She only mostly succeeds.
"Good, thank you." She sits up, takes a deep breath, and gets to the business of winning.
Esvetielle fixes him with a look that is only softened a little by the hint of a smile at her lips. "You," she says, with utmost gravity, "are ludicrously talented, wonderfully handsome, smart, confident without straying into being actively obnoxious. You're well spoken in a, a more concise way than I'm used to, when you want to make a point you make it, instead of fluttering about trying to find the right thing to say. Like a, swordsman running around in a conversation, occasionally listening politely, and occasionally stabbing people. You're up front in a way a lot of people aren't, and I really appreciate it, I don't feel like I have to navigate complicated social etiquette or worry if I'm being lied to, you're just." She waves a hand at him, as if this expresses her point. "And also, you're very sweet and you light up every time I smile, and it's really great."
She smiles fondly back, trying to keep a damper on her smugness. This works about as well as it did for the smile and the blush, but he's spared from gloating. Instead she focuses on finishing her delicious meal before she has any sort of chance to complain about coldness.
The food is delicious. And yet, unaccountably, Sekar seems to be paying more attention to the company.
But he does finish eventually, and pays for their meal and stands up and offers her his arm.