Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
She smiles back.
"Surprisingly enough, not everyone likes having moments of sincerity frequently and egregiously subverted!"
"Cuteness is subjective! You are an integral part of the cuteness here, in that you are the one finding it cute, and also reacting in a way I find cute. We are in a cuteness feedback loop, woe is us."
"No? But it's so fun to say woe dramatically! Can we pretend to be a little bit woe for my amusement?"
"What, no, I'm a completely convincing actress!"
She holds a hand up to her forehead, looks at the ceiling, and begins: "Woe! Woe! Woe is me, how can I possibly withstand -"
"... Ma'am?" says the waiter with their food. Esvetielle blinks, drops her hand and sits up, alarmed. "Is... Everything okay?"
"Um, yes, I'm, I'm fine, pay no attention, everything's wonderful, I'm just, um. Sorry."
Sekar flashes a reassuring smile. "We're just joking around, don't worry about it."
The waiter is appropriately reassured. He distributes dinners and then leaves.
...Sekar starts giggling again.
Esvetielle is just going to hide behind her hands now, okay? Okay.
"I am going to give him a tip," she mutters. "A nice one. ... Thank you."
"Auuugh," she says, very quietly. So as not to embarrass herself further.
"Okay, um. Yes. Let's not pretend any woe. No woe here whatsoever, especially not the imaginary kind."
She smiles at him, and touches his hand with her own. "Thanks. At least I can console myself with food. And, uh, the concept if not the specific instance of fast service, because I am kind of impressed they got the food out so quickly."
"It is! I am delighted to be here. Money gets you nice things, who knew?"
She takes a bite of her meal and unintentionally reacts with a pleased sound. Yes, money does get you nice things.
"I am," she says, after several more bites of food, "starting to see the appeal of the gold digger lifestyle. Not enough to want to indulge, but, damn."
Fond smile. "And yet, here you are, on a date with a rich man in a restaurant you can't afford."
"A single dinner at a really expensive place is not going to break my budget, if you for some reason ditched and left me with the bill," she sniffs. "I'd just have to eat cheaply for a while after. And I am here for you, not your money, there is a distinct difference."
"I would have accepted a cheap dive! Where I buy for myself! You volunteered to spoil me, I heard you, you said you could buy the restaurant."
"It's true, I did. And I don't regret it in the slightest. You are a delight to spoil."