Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
Cozy snuggles.
The book is really emotionally engaging. The characters and their conflicts are complex and believable. When the lead pair breaks up, it feels painful but understandable, and when they get back together at the end it feels like they really earned it.
.... She becomes so invested that she forgets to pet him. Also what time it is. Is Sekar going to keep track of time for her, so they can pick her brother up on time? Because she is not equipped to be the responsible one right now.
Good. Then she's free to get really invested in this imaginary couple and their troubles.
She hasn't finished the book by the time her brother needs retrieval.
Here is a brother!
"Hi!" he says, looking mildly amused at the two of them. "It went well, I should just be able to show up and reveal myself dramatically without making anyone think you resurrected me."
... Eselle is slightly distracted by her book, and has trouble looking away. She manages it, because brother, but there's a struggle. She finishes the paragraph.
She beams when she sees aforementioned brother, though. "Hi!" ... Then she makes a face. "Do you want your face back because this is weird now."
He snorts.
"I would love my face back. And to stop being fluffy. The fluff is charming but this is like, the opposite of how I want my hair to be."
Eselle giggles, then carefully marks the page she's on and gently scootches out from under Sekar to go hug her brother.
"Was it that terrible?"
"It was fine for a day undercover but not as a life choice I want to make. I could maybe see myself with longer, less fluffy hair? But curly hair at that length and fluffiness is. No. Opposite of how I want my hair to be."
And for a minute there can just be familial hugs.
... But they cannot last forever, not practically, and so Zeothe gently releases Eselle and looks at Sekar.
"I think I'd like to handle being legally dead and convicted with murder sooner rather than later. My judge was bribed, want to go terrify him?"
"He was -" begins Eselle, then she stops herself and lets her breath out in a hiss. "Right. Have fun."
"I normally don't poke my nose into this sort of thing, but Zeothe mentioned to me that somebody'd been bribed to have him executed. You're really not supposed to do that, you know."