Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
It's a while before he finally undoes the magic and flops on the bed and scoops her close and cuddles her.
A while is fine. She'll just be whimpery and adoring and only occasionally capable of language for that while. Sounds good to her.
Then, yes, snuggles. Tired, tired snuggles.
She attempts to language and only manages an affectionate, but completely unintelligible mumble.
Eselle giggles a little and nuzzles back.
Eventually she recovers the ability to use words.
"My Emperor," she mumbles, adoringly.
"I thought I had you for a second there," she says, with a little affectionate laugh. "And then, nope." Nuzzle.
Gosh. Two adoring gazes. Well, she'll just have to snuggle him and pillow her head in the crook of his neck and gaze up at him. Adoringly.